Trying to find Alluvial gold in NSW for a hand crafted wedding ring

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Nov 4, 2021
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Hi guys, I'm in the process of crafting a wedding ring myself and have about 60% of the gold I need to forge it, but it seems theirs absolutely no gold left in the state of NSW I have been to maybe 40 rivers now, now that flights are open im considering taking a plane to a state that actually has gold but im not sure where to go and would ideally like to chose somewhere thats 100% as it will cost me the plane trip + Hotel bookings and the price to bring all my gear and the money I will lose from not working, plus my partner will eventually catch on.

I could just buy the remaining gold but it would defeat the purpose of making it myself in the first place, any ideas? Also under a time constraint, basically ill propose once the ring is finished... Its getting quite aggravating to be quite honest :)
Dismus said:
Hi guys, I'm in the process of crafting a wedding ring myself and have about 60% of the gold I need to forge it, but it seems theirs absolutely no gold left in the state of NSW I have been to maybe 40 rivers now, now that flights are open im considering taking a plane to a state that actually has gold but im not sure where to go and would ideally like to chose somewhere thats 100% as it will cost me the plane trip + Hotel bookings and the price to bring all my gear and the money I will lose from not working, plus my partner will eventually catch on.

I could just buy the remaining gold but it would defeat the purpose of making it myself in the first place, any ideas? Also under a time constraint, basically ill propose once the ring is finished... Its getting quite aggravating to be quite honest :)
:D 1st Off Welcome ,
Seems like you know what you need :Y:
But there is a bit more to it than just Forging the Gold into a Ring :|
Might want to think about Smelting Not Melting the Gold first ( Remove impurities )
Then decide what Caret you need ie: 24 , 22 ,18 , 12 , 9 , For the ring .
Then work out what percentage of cooper & silver to add to the Melting with the Smelted Pure Gold .
Thats if you only want Yellow Gold ? White Gold or Rose Gold is different again :argh:
Anyway Good luck with you project :D :Y:
casper said:
Redfin said:
Start at the beginning and revisit the 40 rivers.

X2.... and dig deeper, find the bottom (hardpack gravel or bedrock) that's where the gold is.
If you're shoveling loose gravel you're not there yet........ depends on the location but be prepared to go down 1 metre plus.

Sometimes, but not always, the creek I usually go to is quite the opposite. Over time creeks cut their way down into the country rock, getting deeper and deeper, forming valleys. This creek is still making its way deeper, so digging deep puts you deeper than the creek has ever been. There's a few layers near the surface that are gold bearing, within half a metre or so, but below that there's no wash, just fine silty decomposed granite. Lots of people do dig deep, and leave their holes, which makes it easy to sample different layers without much digging. Every hole is the same, gold near the surface, nothing deep. There's even gold up the hillsides, if you can find wash.
I'm a bit worried actually, hopefully there's gold left there. Only been out twice this year, before lockdowns lifted, at least half a dozen cars there each time, people camping etc. Usually lucky to see anyone else out there at all.
There's gold on the beaches if you know what beaches to look. Actually forget the beach gold, go metal detecting. I've got a mate who goes checks beaches, parks, playgrounds etc when out with his kids, he's found way more gold in the form of lost jewellery than I've found fossicking in creeks. And he's always bagging me out about it
"it seems theirs absolutely no gold left in the state of NSW"


You had me worried for a sec, so I went and checked. All good :Y:

Good luck with the ring, I'm in the process of making one too with a nice sapphire from GG that I sent off to be faceted.
Try Tuena, that's my go to place. Drive down through the camping area and cross the creek, once you are up the other side, hang left and follow creek around first bend then leg it across the creek to the flats. There look for accumulation of redish ironstone behind rocks, it is all flood gold there ,close to surface :Y:
Hi dismus

My names Christopher and Im a jeweller in the ACT. Id be happy to help you in your quest to find gold and make a ring.
do what everyone else has to do... research then go try your luck

You say you've 60% of the gold needed already, if thats the case go back to where you found it and broaden your horizons. If that dont work do more research and buy some maps

Aint no free lunches when it comes to finding gold!