Trilobite makes a huge difference!!

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 8, 2014
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OK Lads and Lasses,
I did a search of the forum and could not find this mentioned with the keywords I used!!

This app is the BOMB!
It is simply awesome, utilises all of the resources that you would study prior to going out in the field... but now, with this app...
Current leases, geo info, old mines.. this is an awesome tool!
aussiefarmer said:
$8 a year reviews recon , is that correct ? Be cheap if it is.

$11.99 after the free trial I believe?
Then I downloaded a QLD lease overlay, which to me seemed like it was another $11.99???

Anyway, we will see?!!! ;)
Yep use it regularly (or did pre lockdown) ..... just another tool in the research arsenal, along with old Parish maps, GeoVic, VicPlan and Google earth (all free) as well as a couple of paid subs (including Trbolite). These examples are for relic hunting, sadly a mate confirmed he'd already done the area with finds including pre-decimal silver, copper and the odd bit of jewellery.




I used trilobite when I was in WA last year and it was great, always shows where you are and who's lease your on and whether pending, active etc.
Thanks. It looks to be a bit more advanced than happy prospector but I didn’t want to pay a subscription fee to find out the benefits were not really any more beneficial over what I have now. Would love some input from people who’ve had or run both programs.
Also any advice of ease of use on an iPad.
Have used for years in most states and it's fantastic
Not just when you're in the field but also as prospecting aid. Perfect for WA where knowing your position within metres really counts. Also just so cheap.
Love it
Thanks warren, have you used happy prospector? I’m trying to find if there is much of a difference between the 2 programs making it worth switching or should I just stick with what I have.
I/partner use the Trilobite Function that shows your location on the map screen as you drive along a track in WA and shows the location of any mines nearby and if there are nearby pending sites you can stop and have a detect (on the pending site).

Your vehicle location is centre screen and the surrounds move across the screen as you drive down the track.
Hi Greg, Mate had a copy of HP on his phone, 3 years ago in WA, I leant him my backup copy of Trilobite on a 7 inch Tablet and I did not get the Tablet back for the rest of the trip. Following year and last year he had Trilobite.

Note Mate may not have been a HP expert user, whereas I knew my way around TB.

I/mate have windscreen suction cap gizzmo's that can hold a large smartphone or a 7 inch Tablet on the dashboard.( for review by passenger)

Have sometimes taken the phone in a backpack as it can show you the limits of the pending or your 40E sites.
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