The people you meet detecting

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Jan 15, 2020
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Yesterday l was having a swing on a local oval for an hour or so.
As l was kneeling down digging a target ( aluminium) l heard a little voice.
I looked up and there was little kid 3 maybe 4 years old walking towards me about 10 feet from me saying something.
His mum was standing on the footpath a short distance away.
I took my headphones off so l could talk to him his name is Brandon
He was asking if I'd found any treasure.
I'd found about $10 and pulled it out to show him.
His mum said he watches YouTube videos on metal detecting and is obsessed with them
I handed him a $2 coin and said to put it in his piggy bank.
I talked with them both for about 10 minutes and went back to detecting.
About 15 minutes later they were back and the young lad was down with me again.
I handed him another $1 coin.
Brandon l reckon would be a little terror as he was rolling down a hill close by and his mum was telling him to stop but he just kept doing it.
As they were walking off l said see you Brandon and he turned around and pulled his most ferocious face and raised his hand into a little fist which l couldn't help doing in return as l was a terror as a kid and have never gotten much better over the last 6 decades.
I hope he remembers his encounter and gets into detecting in the future.

Prior to that another guy walked down and asked what I'd found and we had a conversation for probably 20 minutes.
He had just bought Gold monster 1000 and was heading out to Hill End next week.
I'd never detected this particular oval and he pointed me to where the most activity was on this oval.
Heaps of bloody aluminium tops and cans which drove me bloody mad.
So ended up with about $10 and a bag full of aluminium for my efforts and the memory of my encounter with Brandon the terror
Great story Thomo :) I can relate to 3 & 4 year old terrors most of our grandchildren are in the that age group :D It's such a great age to be involved with their passion for learning and ability to retell what they've learnt. I have a lot of fun listening to them teaching me what they're interest and passions are. Like you I hope Brandon maintains his interest I'm sure he will even if he let's it sit idle while he learns life as he grows up.