The Forum's Oldest Coin. Round 1.

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Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Maitland, NSW
I borrowed this idea from another site. Just for a bit of fun,i thought we should find out our oldest Forum coin find.

But with a difference, I'll start of with a 2014 coin then someone else posts a 2013 coin find.
Next member posts a 2012 find and so on.Until we reach our oldest find without missing a consecutive date.

RULES : Coins must be found in Australia. Does not have to be an Australian coin but must be found in Australia.
It can be a coin or token. Coin dates have to be in order, and you cannot post consecutively dated coins.


So to kick off here is a 2014 $2


not very exciting but another to get things moving - found at Altona beach

can't wait until we hit the pre-decimals (don't have many so am keen to see what others have fished out of the dirt)
Yeah guys this is a great idea
I hope people get into it :)
Here's mine a 2012 20c found
On a beach last weekend
Pipped me on the post with that one Sandta(I was ready),...Well it is getting close to Christmas, so I can see where all the speed is coming from mate.
Ha, beat me again Sandta, I had the 2006 photo ready to go,....he who gets out of bed earliest wins,....I take my hat off to you mate,...I've been bested yet again(haha).
.....or he who stays up the latest. ;) I thought yep, how hard could it be to find a 2007 coin, pretty hard apparently. :D
Gets a bit harder to find certain coins when you've only just fed the carwash vending machine everything above 5 cents to get $1.00 coins for the shopping(darn you shopping).
Sorry Silver(again) unfortunately i have to get up early every day for work :mad:
I got sort of lucky this morning...
Last night i hunted for the coins ... 'How hard can it be' he says ....
Found and photoed '08 & '06 .... Couldnt find an '07 or '05
Im sure there are plenty in my bucket as i havent spent any but illusive just the same :lol:
All good fun Sandta,....I might just have to hit a few parks this afternoon to top up on decimals(ha).
Sandta said:
Sorry Silver(again) unfortunately i have to get up early every day for work :mad:
I got sort of lucky this morning...
Last night i hunted for the coins ... 'How hard can it be' he says ....
Found and photoed '08 & '06 .... Couldnt find an '07 or '05
Im sure there are plenty in my bucket as i havent spent any but illusive just the same :lol:
No one with 2005 yet? I'll check my stash when I get home. I guess we are all waiting for the pre-decimals. :D
I did miss out on the 2007. Got a Fiji 5 cent I was going to use. Be good to see some of the foreign and unusual coins come out.
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