Stolen gear

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Stolen 1 ezy sluice buckets shovel pick from long chan in tuena this gear was a locals... :mad:
Leave your gear lying around.???
What would you expect.???
Thieves are opportunistic, any opportunity they get, they will grab what's there.
Locals or no locals, leave it, loose it.
You have given that opportunity to them by leaving them.
Gone are the good old days. They are long gone.
Probly some group with an agenda wanting to cause suspicion and mistrust within the prospecting fraternity in order to create division so that they can get away with doing things in plain sight to the entire community with relative impunity when it comes to back lash ,.... anyone got any thoughts on who that might be ? ,..... probly some mob that is able to enact laws that enable themselves to tell lies without prosecution would be able to bring some enlightenment to the trable ,.... especially once one beautiful redhead gains control and reveals all that has been and come to pass without any of our knowledge, you know, lays it all bear on the table, then changes the rules retrospectively so all those that would do more than just pass wind reading this would shiver in their boots at what whence would come their way knowing full well which side of the line they stood in days of daring whilst divying wool over eyes en mass.
Go the ranga (who dares wins). :p
silver said:
Probly some group with an agenda wanting to cause suspicion and mistrust within the prospecting fraternity in order to create division so that they can get away with doing things in plain sight to the entire community with relative impunity when it comes to back lash ,.... anyone got any thoughts on who that might be ? ,..... probly some mob that is able to enact laws that enable themselves to tell lies without prosecution would be able to bring some enlightenment to the trable ,.... especially once one beautiful redhead gains control and reveals all that has been and come to pass without any of our knowledge, you know, lays it all bear on the table, then changes the rules retrospectively so all those that would do more than just pass wind reading this would shiver in their boots at what whence would come their way knowing full well which side of the line they stood in days of daring whilst divying wool over eyes en mass.
Go the ranga (who dares wins). :p
Sorry mate you have lost me :| :| :| :|
silver said:
Probly some group with an agenda wanting to cause suspicion and mistrust within the prospecting fraternity in order to create division so that they can get away with doing things in plain sight to the entire community with relative impunity when it comes to back lash ,.... anyone got any thoughts on who that might be ? ,..... probly some mob that is able to enact laws that enable themselves to tell lies without prosecution would be able to bring some enlightenment to the trable ,.... especially once one beautiful redhead gains control and reveals all that has been and come to pass without any of our knowledge, you know, lays it all bear on the table, then changes the rules retrospectively so all those that would do more than just pass wind reading this would shiver in their boots at what whence would come their way knowing full well which side of the line they stood in days of daring whilst divying wool over eyes en mass.
Go the ranga (who dares wins). :p

what an absolute lot of drivel. Your getting a reaction, is that what you wanted?

GT :N:
I just recon it could be possible in this day and age ,.... didn't want to make it sound political at all lol ,.... just look at port Arthur and how it was used as an excuse to take away a freedon that we were all at liberty with in the preceeding era's ,.... so drivel it may be, but someone needs to drivel it to help to keep the ba$t@rd$ honest. 8)
goldtruck59 said:
silver said:
Probly some group with an agenda wanting to cause suspicion and mistrust within the prospecting fraternity in order to create division so that they can get away with doing things in plain sight to the entire community with relative impunity when it comes to back lash ,.... anyone got any thoughts on who that might be ? ,..... probly some mob that is able to enact laws that enable themselves to tell lies without prosecution would be able to bring some enlightenment to the trable ,.... especially once one beautiful redhead gains control and reveals all that has been and come to pass without any of our knowledge, you know, lays it all bear on the table, then changes the rules retrospectively so all those that would do more than just pass wind reading this would shiver in their boots at what whence would come their way knowing full well which side of the line they stood in days of daring whilst divying wool over eyes en mass.
Go the ranga (who dares wins). :p

what an absolute lot of drivel. Your getting a reaction, is that what you wanted?

GT :N:
all good mate ! :D
like water off a ducks back :Y:
Bit of a low act stealing someone elses stuff but also irresponsible of the owner for just leaving their stuff behind for the taking
silver said:
Probly some group with an agenda wanting to cause suspicion and mistrust within the prospecting fraternity in order to create division so that they can get away with doing things in plain sight to the entire community with relative impunity when it comes to back lash ,.... anyone got any thoughts on who that might be ? ,..... probly some mob that is able to enact laws that enable themselves to tell lies without prosecution would be able to bring some enlightenment to the trable ,.... especially once one beautiful redhead gains control and reveals all that has been and come to pass without any of our knowledge, you know, lays it all bear on the table, then changes the rules retrospectively so all those that would do more than just pass wind reading this would shiver in their boots at what whence would come their way knowing full well which side of the line they stood in days of daring whilst divying wool over eyes en mass.
Go the ranga (who dares wins). :p
Sounds like you have some inside info Silver or you have been watching too many episodes of HBOs deadwood with your poetic command of the queens English :p
diggin4gold said:
Leave your gear lying around.???
What would you expect.???
Thieves are opportunistic, any opportunity they get, they will grab what's there.
Locals or no locals, leave it, loose it.
You have given that opportunity to them by leaving them.
Gone are the good old days. They are long gone.
This is what I expect - people to respect others property . Those days arent long gone at all
iamagoldenoldie2 said:
I like the interpretations on theft and leaving stuff lying around for the taking, peace man what I find is mine mmmmm

There are scumbags that will pinch anything that isn't tied down. So why give them the opportunity. Peace bra
I remember when church doors used to be left open all night. That was baby boomer time. Seems like many of the boomers didn't instill the discipline needed to instill the fear of God in their kids. Soon churches were being robbed of an evening. Now the church doors are closed.
I have seen gear left on rivers & would never touch it, but I do come from the baby boomer time.
People should have their hands cut off for stealing a workmans tools if trade.