Stainless Steel Sandscoop Aka 'el cheapo'.

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Jan 16, 2017
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The idea of a nice stainless steel sand scoop has been on my mind for a long time. My plastic Bunnings spade has served me well but struggles in the wet. Combined with a hand held sand scoop I've been too lazy and cheap to bite the bullet and part with the dollars. Doing my research I realised that I'd be spending well over $150 for a quality scoop. Decided to go for something cheap but decent until the next Christmas or birthday comes along. Spent $75 on a Chinese scoop. Decided the Ukrainian scoops and Us ones were not ideal. For more than twice the price my ideal is a quality locally made scoop, maybe next year?

Quality of welds and materials in unknown but this should last for a few years, hopefully. I like the size and shape, some thought has gone into the design. We'll see what $75 buys when it arrives. The handle screws off and is made of plastic.


I'll make sure to give it a good clean after use and watch out for corrosion around the welds etc. Hoping it will be decent enough for the price. Looking at the photographs I hope you can see why I was tempted..
My old alloy scoop had the liquid metal style epoxy applied to all welds, finished with bed liner spray paint. Got another year out of it before I retired it, still intact. May do the same with the new one, before any issues present themselves.. have to wait and see.
Considering the SS was rescued from the bin and the 2 I made have only cost me a bit of time and a few rods and it has well and truly paid for new ones, retirement soon for mine at least will be soon. I think I drilled the holes to close together :/
Arrived in the post, local seller purchased on the 19th, arrived on the 21st. Well packed and wrapped. Solid and heavy stainless steel. Plastic handle fits tight without flex and although plastic is strong. Long wood handle fitting should be trouble free. No flex when using foot with scoop, nice and strong. First impression is that for the money it is solid and well made. Chinese made stainless steel sand scoop, Gold Hunter appears a good deal at $75 delivered.

Hi Karelian65, if it's not to much trouble could you measure the handle hole please? Going to get a CF handle as it would be lighter than wood.
The hole measured 29mm North South, 29.5mm East West. I used calipers. Hope this helps.
Invited the 'old man' to come along for a beach detect when he visited , he bought his own sand scoop along which he kindly donated to me afterwards :p