Spain81 videos

Prospecting Australia

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Enjoyed your video - I love that area. If you don't mind some advice from a dinosaur who learnt from 60 and 70 year olds who were still making a living panning in the mid-1960s. I could still sometimes get a third of an ounce panning over a single weekend then - none of these microdots (golden flyspots).

1. Everyone pans close to crossings (ever since horse and cart days). Take time to get further away from them, even setting up a camp for days in one spot that you have to bush-bash into.

2. Your first rock bar was a reasonable location - if it dipped downstream not upstream. If rock bars dip downstream pan on their upstream side - if they dip upstream they are probably less interesting, although there will be alternative gold traps there. Simple applied hydraulics.

3.Panning techniques - take more time, use a big pan, and don't try and wash coarse pebbles over the lip with the fines. I was taught to use my fingers like a rake and scrape the pebbles out of the back of the pan. When no large (eg 1 cm) pebbles left, start panning and take more time to concentrate. After swirling initially, scrape coarse stuff over the lip, re-concentrating by swirling, until down to a few mm sizes. Then re-concentrate and do gentle rocking back and forward over the lip (not swirling), so only the top layer washes over the lip. Re-concentrate by swirling regularly, then back and forward rocking again, washing the top layer gently over the lip. When you get down to a few tablespoon full, very gently swirl washing away from the down-dip side where you have been concentrating and your gold should be seen (usually with black sand if you have been doing it efficiently).

Please consider a winching course through Four Wheel Drive Victoria - I have had a number of workmates killed by winches through my life. The way you are doing it is unsafe. A broken winch table can take the top off a 4x4 cabin - and the head off a driver.
Spain81 said:
If your thinking of prospecting haunted stream heres how I went, beautiful part of the world amazing scenery, I hope you enjoy :Y:

Mate, congrats on your little snippet about bringing your rubbish home. The bush in certain areas is disgusting due to the rubbish left behind by pigs.

Glad you guys enjoyed the video and yes I forgot to put a bag over the winch rope, but in all honesty it wasnt much of a pull.
Thanks for the info goldierocks Ill put your theories into practice this weekend