Outback Survival tips

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 27, 2012
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I'll start with the most obvious one. Always take plenty of water, never underestimate how much you might need, you can go days, weeks even without adequate food intake but without clean drinking water you will most likely die.

Keep them coming.
I relay hate cranky bull ants......take plenty of Mortein to kill the bull ants in the topsoil....Cheers Wal ;)
If vehicle breaks down in the desert stay put. Create shade and wait. For a signal fire, drain the engine oil and set fire to it. (I always carry a flint stick). If I get the chance to head outback I'll be getting a spot tracker. :) Mick
Invest in a GPS and carry a Topo map.... so if you do get lost you can transfer co-ords from the topo map to your GPS and at least walk out in a strait line.Cheers Wal. :)
Always make sure the local police or someone reliable Knows where you are going.
Try not to travel in remote areas alone if possible.
In tempreatures over 35 degrees I have drunk up to 6 liters a day, so be prepared.

Just a Warning; A test was done west of Jundah west Queensland by the S.E.S. to see how long a fit man could last in forty degree heat without shelter or water. The guys tongue was swollen and he was beginning to hallucinate after only 2 hours and almost incoherent after 4, he was retreaved at this point.

Carry a personal EPERB, or personal GPS emergancy localion beacon. Flares, a "V" sheet and a morror(polished metal with a hole in the centre won't break and you can easily direct your signal).
Stay with your vehicle.

Be sure you are up to date in the current snake bite first aid and have a complete first aid kit.

UHF radio is essential in remote areas as most areas have a repeater station some where.
Hire a satellite phone if you can afford it.

Two rangers got into trouble and one died in the west Queensland out back left there car, had little water and tried to walk back in the heat of the day, and it was only about 14 klms back to base as far as I understand it.
What did they do wrong? What would you do in that situation?
I'm not asking, these are questions you ask yourself before you go.

If you walk any distance from your camp have a note book and draw a detailed map with landmarks and the dirrection and rout you intend to take. Write on it the time and date you are leaving and when you expect to return.Leave it in a promanent position in your tent/camp.

These are a few things that I used to abide by when prospecting for opal in a very remote location in west Queedsland and I'm still here and had little trouble at all. Be prepared for the worth care scenerio.

Hope this helps with you preperations, there is plenty more to consider like food and shelter, fire ignition etc.
Very comprehensive Ken.....I'm heading over to W.A.this winter for another detect.....you can come along if you like. ;) Cheers Wal. :)
If you are many miles from civilization, and intend to walk back to a town, walk AT NIGHT!
It dramatically decreases your chances of dehydration, and you will cover many more miles this way.
Obviously your eyes will need to need to become accustomed to the light, but this should only take 20 mins or so. 'Night eyes' are nearly as good as seeing in the daylight, any boyscout will tell you that!
The worst predators you will encounter are the occasional snake which obviously isnt good, but its better than dying of dehydration in the heat of the day!
Don't forget the dingos,
Good advise Boyd, just a word of caution.

One of the dangers of travelling at night CAN be in some areas the fact dingos and other wild dog move about at night.

This happened to one of the property owners that I know.
He was travelling in a very remote location in west Queensland on his way to some frields for dinner, after dark his car broke down and as he was only about 4 klms away from the property he decided to walk on this lovely moon light night.
He had gone about 2 klms and sensed something following, without altering his stride he looked over his shoulder and saw a number of "dogs" following, not sure what they were a few klms. from any property he assumed they were dingoes. '
He kept moving at a sheady pace until he felt a few nipps at his heels. "If I run 'm a gonner" the thought so kept going. He climed the first tree he came to and waited.
The dingoes just camped around the tree, after about 1/2 hour they left.
Not being sure where they went he stayed in the tree.
Eventually, the people he was ment to visit realized there must be something wrong when he didn't turn up and went looking for him.
He was very relieved to see their car lights comming in the distance.
I can not stress enough the importance of letting someone know your intentions and travel details, contacting them regularly at pre-aranged intervals.
For me it was a phone call every 4 - 8 hours from my base camp depending on the distance I had to travel, these days satellite phones and eperbs are the answer.
Hope you all find this helpful and interesting.
Fire sticks. I have one in each car, my boats and the camper. Importantly learn how to use them, without man made stuff its harder than you think. Both my daughters can start a fire using just the things they find around camp. With fire and water you can survive. Fire turns filthy water into drinking water.
i take my duel band uhf/vhf radio also a pigging knife that straps to my leg you can never be to careful
Great Advice from everyone,, :D

If you can include this for survival list, GPS tells you the nearest town.
BEAR Grills Knife with flint attached.

And if it cannot be avoided walking DAY or Night, always take or find a decent walking stick with you.
any dangers around start swinging,,, DINNER is SERVED :D :D

Great tips for survival. As im not travelling to any remote areas as im only just starting out so the big thing for us was to have a first aid kit and understanding whats in the kit and how to use it.
Another fantastic skill to have is First Aid knowledge. The best investment which can, not only save your own life, but those around you, including your family.
hi everyone,
my first post, thank you to the site owners and moderators for the site...

the duck said:
put the topsoil from a bullant nest around your camp to keep snakes away

this is a great tip, thank-you for posting it
Super glue, whistle and electrical tape :)
That combo will keep ya goin till you can get proper medical
Attention :)
Tried and proven.
All the other advice is Ace ;)
Great tips
G'day everyone,

Some great advice here, I grew up on the land but have learnt a few more skills by reading your posts. Cheers

Loamer; I will have to take some time to read all of yours as it looks very informative :)

Couple of the simple ones my old man told us as kids,

Don't panic! It can kill ya!

If you have to walk? Follow a gully or water system down steam, of course one of your best chances to find water and civilisation (Don't drink any water with the green algae on top! She'll make ya crook).

Also as your heading out from your camp don't forget to look up occasionally and make a point of taking note of objects of significance around you (Ones you'll remember) and what side of you there on Left or Right.
We used to put a mark (scarf) in tree's but this might be frowned on by some in this day and age? So an alternative is tape or ribbon that you will see, like that pink stuff! Remembering to take it with you as you leave please.

Best of luck to all.