Nundle NSW information and questions

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That looks like a great book, are these map/information books readily available? Also as we are in SE Qld there doesnt seem to be very much around here. We will probably go for a few big drives but would be cool to get some practice in prior to venturing further afield
southosoutback said:
That looks like a great book, are these map/information books readily available? Also as we are in SE Qld there doesnt seem to be very much around here. We will probably go for a few big drives but would be cool to get some practice in prior to venturing further afield

Hard to get, saw one for sale at $100.00 on google, found mine at a garage sale, $1.00.
Gold and ghosts if you can find one on SE Queensland, very expensive, but the best.
Doug Stone's books are available, not too bad, but lack information, imo.
Search function on this forum, there is good info here. good luck. :Y:
southosoutback said:
That looks like a great book, are these map/information books readily available? Also as we are in SE Qld there doesnt seem to be very much around here. We will probably go for a few big drives but would be cool to get some practice in prior to venturing further afield
Thanes Creek area west of Warick was a good gold producing field back in the day I think.
Hubby wants to do some detecting in Nundle with his GPX4500 can anyone suggest places to go?
Also where to get Nundle diamonds (crystals) with our kids on our holiday.

Thanks for your help ? looking for recommendations.
John B had the Dead Horse back in 1998, I worked there on two occasions whilst I stayed at Neil Harveys house by the council Depot. Working for several months & enjoyed it every day.
We would end the day in the Peel Inn for a few cold beers. Drinkers were John B, Neil Harvey, K.T & myself.
On of my best places to visit in OZ.
I heard Johns moved on, were & when?
Ill finish with, my best wishes to all the above & stay well.
If you are one of the above e-mail me back.
Neil H, West London, England
Apart from the river, Nundle was not a good choice. Most of the Gold bearing land is now fenced farmlets. Hanging rock is no longer recognisable having had it's forest being raped for timber ( clear felled) which I believe has been sold to China. Even with a forestry fossiking licence you are not allowed to fossick. Bye Nundle, never again.
Sounds like a sad state of affairs up there.
Unfortunately being seen more often.
Not discounting your post stan.andeliver but it would be interesting to hear from others that have been up there recently.
While there are some areas closed to fossicking it still appears that there is a lot of State Forest still open too?:
I've been going to Nundle for a few years on and off. The area of forest at the top of the hill, opposite the lookout, is a scene of devastation. ( clear felled) I have always thought there maybe an unexposed reef somewhere here. The fact that geologists, and helicopters are actively working here may bear some fruit. There is a big fine for trespass here, even with a state forestry fossiking licence.
Dam I'm heading up to nundle for a wedding next weekend so thought I'd go up earlier and spend a few days detecting before and after the big day,, never been there before I guess there's alway trout fishing then
OP's first post as a member was an epic even before an intro, but it's gone ? So what really is the Nundle issue or agenda of the post I wonder ? :rolleyes:
Hi all
I was planning to head up to the nundle state forest in the next few weeks . Are the areas sign posted that are off limits.
No signs, we were up there at Easter and everyone was in the cleared area. Perhaps different story when they working the area.
Recently on Facebook there has been some misinformation being posted about fossicking not being allowed on the Peel River, Nundle. There have also been posts in regards to an Easter crackdown but monitoring of activities in the area has been ongoing since August 2023.

To address this NAPFA have released the attached information.

Basically fossicking is still allowable & if you are following the NSW Fossicking Guidelines then you will have no issue.

These posts on Facebook also contained a lot of misleading & incorrect information on accessing land in NSW. There's is a lot of confusion amongst NSW Fossickers in this regards, & the rules in NSW are confusing, so it's really not surprising.
Please have a read of the rules here:❗fossicking-prospecting-regulations-all-australian-states.125/

And an overview of access here:


  • Nundle Fossicking Access 2024-1.pdf
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