Introducing the GFX 7000 Super Gold Finder!

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Supporting Member
Oct 20, 2014
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Perth, WA
But it ain't from Minelab:







They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I'm not sure that this was what they had in mind. :lol:
I can't believe how much that Is Like A GPX apart from the Colour, I am Stunned, It looks Good enough to Buy.

I wonder if it is an Actual PI Machine??

PhaseTech said:
I actually like the colour scheme better than my 5000, but I think I'll stick with what works :)

I was almost at the point of wanting One, But then I remembered How Good it felt Owning My GP,,, and then I was Cured,
JeffP said:
Wouldnt it be funny if the thing actually works ;) All you Naysayers ! :lol:

With its advanced pulse induction and enhanced gold detection technology (plus all those cool switches :cool: ), how could it not be the next big thing in metal detectors? It's going to open up the goldfields again, for sure. :8
grubstake said:
JeffP said:
Wouldnt it be funny if the thing actually works ;) All you Naysayers ! :lol:

With its advanced pulse induction and enhanced gold detection technology (plus all those cool switches :cool: ), how could it not be the next big thing in metal detectors? It's going to open up the goldfields again, for sure. :8

I don't know how they do it.
An intelligent person would pass judgement only after having tested one first hand.

Who is the Australian dealer ? I will go get a demo, as long as it is not in Bendigo.
I would like one if it was A VLF, But Once you have Owned A GP/GPX PI I just cant except A Copy and feel good about it,

nesral said:
An intelligent person would pass judgement only after having tested one first hand.

Who is the Australian dealer ? I will go get a demo, as long as it is not in Bendigo.
The Australian dealer is They will ship them anywhere including Bendigo.

Anyone seriously thinking about these - Use your intelligence before buying one. ;)
Ridge Runner said:
I would like one if it was A VLF, But Once you have Owned A GP/GPX PI I just cant except A Copy and feel good about it,

I know a bloke who got hold of a GPX5000 one & pulled it apart. It did indeed have 6.7khz VLF workings. He did say it worked but didn't air test that well. Cheaper to buy a GC1038.
Another bloke that repairs & modifies older Minelabs has posted on other forums what he has found too. There was one run of GPX4500 lookalikes he came across that did have PI electronics but just plain & simple didn't work - possibly why they went back to the VLF guts? Without the correct technology like SETA they wouldn't even ground balance & were worthless boat anchors.
If they had gotten the necessary information when they hacked Minelab to include MPS, DVT & SETA like they advertise then I think somewhere in the international detecting world someone would be spruiking their merits. Instead all I have read is people disappointed to find that they have purchased a dud or even taking them in to get them checked as they don't work properly only to find they have been conned into a fake & done their dough.
To anyone thinking of buying one of these, or arguing that they may have merit:

keep it to yourself... You may be the one who encourages a newbie, or someone who has been directed to this forum in an internet search, to actually spend good money in one of these pieces of crap!

These boxes of bits are produced and marketed for one reason: to fool I'll-informed people, who are believing they are buying a quality detector for a cheaper price, out of their money.

I met someone last year who spent all the money he had, which had taken him a whole year to save, on a fake few years ago. He was gutted.
Nuggetbuster said:
keep it to yourself... You may be the one who encourages a newbie, or someone who has been directed to this forum in an internet search, to actually spend good money in one of these pieces of crap!

And leave more goodies in the ground for me to find?

Perish the thought.