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A day of mixed emotion and memories for some us and a day remembing those who have fallen for all of us.

Thank you for starting this post there Cobber Backcreek.

From the Digger.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

This day is a sad day for me as I remember my late Grandad who fought tirelesly in the second world war. He was over in Papua New Guinea until he was shot by a sniper which punctured his lung. He was carried out and looked after locally where he contracted malaria by mosquito's. He almost died on a number of occasions and returned home barely fit enough to recover. Since then he had 5 heart attacks and wrote some memoirs which remain in my family. They used to breed them tough back then and sadly it did'nt flow in the family to me! Lest we forget and Rest In Peace Pop Ken!
Lest we Forget.

i guess remembering the sacrifice on all sides of the war is paramount. its amazing to think of the loss of so so many lives in Europe alone. and what we as Australian did to support them here. Both active troops and the loss of innocent bystanders was epic and dirty and transformed modern warfare with Chemical warfare and armored tanks and oversized munitions.

Its also inspirational, some of the stories. I remember stories of the boys from the bush (NSW) walking< Gil and the like> walking hundreds of miles to enrol in Sydney.And , the light horsemen from Tasmania and away, being slaughtered in Palestine by the Turks. WE came back and floggen em, twice. The tough guys today ran and hid. I dont forget.

Remembrance day, importantly is also a day to celebrate the end of the first world war. And, hopefully learn from it.
Here is a sobering thought and number:

"Over 100,000 Australians have lost their lives through war. Many more thousands have been wounded, while the number of Australians who have served abroad in wartime is eight to nine times the number who have died."

Lest We Forget
Why is it that schools are turning away from the minute silence in a lot of cases
I was in Woolies today - trading stopped and the last post was played over the PA - people were actually very moved. amazed me. I know MMM stopped playing music at 11:00 for a minute after having had a 2 minute very moving lead in.
My mum n dad were passing thru today. Met them at maccas for coffee.
We were the only 3 in the place that stood silently at 11am.
I thought it was very disrespectful that they did not stop trading for just 1 minute.
I was at the local shopping Centre and they made an announcement at 11am asking for a minute silence. I was great to see people just stop what they were doing, stop shopping, serving customers etc and remember. No one moved until the last post was finished. Made me proud to be an Ozzie!
A time should be written into legislation that all business,schools etc stop for a minute at 11am as a Mark of respect.
Surely a minute won't alter the balance sheet for most big business.