7 years ago - currently being 7.07 am 7/11

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Apr 3, 2013
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Redcliffe, QLD
Looking at the clock and date got me thinking around this time 7 years ago there were some huge changes in the world.
kevin Rudd was putting up his hand up as a candidate to run in the election, all his talk about pulling the troops out of Afghanistan, computers for every child he said.... free insulation for all.... what a sad year that was for many families who lost their young boys installing pink batts.
John Howard was clearly on the way out and out of touch
Interest rates went up .25% to an 11 year record high - i remember my mother locking the interest in on her house because she could not afford for it to go any higher, she's still paying 6.75% to this day.

I was living in NewFarm in Brisbane working as the National Marketing Manager for a Telecommunications Phoneword company paying $650 a week rent and spent an hour on an overcrowded bus to get to work every day.

Now i'm in Ballarat Victoria working from home running my own businesses, I have a baby on the way and looking out the window checking out the weather for potential to go prospecting :) for me life is more enjoyable the simpler it becomes. (i know baby on the way it wont be simple for long)

Where were you back in November 2007? and how has your life changed?

Fair bit of a change there GD and your right, kids do anything but make life simple :D and wait till they start talking back :mad:

7 years ago I was freshly discharged from the Army after serving this great country 10 years and had moved to my wifes hometown of which I have forever loathed but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I worked for a Timber Engineering business as a boilermaker but as a qualified fitter I quickly sort employment in one of the timber mills around here for more stable employment. Been here ever since and am now in dire need of a change. I'm too used to moving around every few years and I get bored quickly. Add 2 kids in the mix and now it seems I am planted here for a while, oh, did I mention kids make life anything but simple :D

Wonder what the next 7 years will bring?
Hi GOlddigg
I am very happy that your baby is coming! that is welcome and very healthy!
Life is more enjoyable as it becomes simpler. for sure! :)
Let me see' 2007 I reckon I would have been hung over probably balancing an engine on apprentice wages' bachelor, spending the rest of his time rebuilding a Torana that turned into a waist of time and money (not knowing that then) and living on mums cooking.

Now own a house both cars, stay home dad with a Thermo mix' oh I do go digging for gold tho....and have a shed full of tools.

Oh yeah iv got a wife.
MBJ you've tunred into a gypsy like me :) i've lived in some 60 homes in my life hahahaah sounds crazy mum was a interior designer dad was a landscape gardener..... figures.

I know what you mean you get itchy... for me i'd stay in Ballarat quite happy for many years but missus will be morer happy in QLD with her amazing supportive family around her.

joao garimpeiro thanks mate :) where were you 7 years ago?
Zuke_Lynzy said:
Let me see' 2007 I reckon I would have been hung over probably balancing an engine on apprentice wages' bachelor, spending the rest of his time rebuilding a Torana that turned into a waist of time and money (not knowing that then) and living on mums cooking.

Now own a house both cars, stay home dad with a Thermo mix' oh I do go digging for gold tho....and have a shed full of tools.

Oh yeah iv got a wife.

you're a crackup... mate i had a lX Torana sold it to a mate who never paid me :) ive since seen them sell for upwards of $27k..... mate i paid $300 for mine
G0lddigg@ said:
MBJ you've tunred into a gypsy like me :) i've lived in some 60 homes in my life hahahaah sounds crazy mum was a interior designer dad was a landscape gardener..... figures.

I know what you mean you get itchy... for me i'd stay in Ballarat quite happy for many years but missus will be morer happy in QLD with her amazing supportive family around her.

joao garimpeiro thanks mate :) where were you 7 years ago?

where I was there 7 years ago?

I was marred by dust in a gold mine in search of nuggets using a Goldmaster Whites. I was very happy, even small children, good wife !! 7 years later I continue with the same work in mining, but now I'm using a Xterra 705 gold . I am very homey, like a lot of stay at home when I'm not in prospecting :)
G0lddigg@ said:
Zuke_Lynzy said:
Let me see' 2007 I reckon I would have been hung over probably balancing an engine on apprentice wages' bachelor, spending the rest of his time rebuilding a Torana that turned into a waist of time and money (not knowing that then) and living on mums cooking.

Now own a house both cars, stay home dad with a Thermo mix' oh I do go digging for gold tho....and have a shed full of tools.

Oh yeah iv got a wife.

you're a crackup... mate i had a lX Torana sold it to a mate who never paid me :) ive since seen them sell for upwards of $27k..... mate i paid $300 for mine

I originally swapped mine for a little 3 piston suzuki car' I sold the Torana without a motor then later sold the motor I think I got about $6000 back out of $15000 spent.
Funny tho now I waist the same sort of money on detectors?
hahhah true detectors are a bit of a hole... i purchased 3 coils in the last fortnight yet havent budgeted for a new set of springs on the truck
G0lddigg@ said:
MBJ you've tunred into a gypsy like me :) i've lived in some 60 homes in my life hahahaah sounds crazy mum was a interior designer dad was a landscape gardener..... figures.

I know what you mean you get itchy... for me i'd stay in Ballarat quite happy for many years but missus will be morer happy in QLD with her amazing supportive family around her.

joao garimpeiro thanks mate :) where were you 7 years ago?

I hope your wifes supportive family turn out to be really supportive. We thought we would get the support from them thats why we moved here only to find out they could not be bothered :mad:
I have lived in Wodonga, Melbourne, Darwin,Canberra but grew up in Brisbane, now living in SA. Victoria has to be the prettiest state and would move back there in a heart beat....the land of milk and honey! :)