2013 finds Dogmatic

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hunter valley, NSW
Well a few hours spent in an old park today. Not a great deal to show, lots of junk and a bit more of a tan. Just about wore out my digger on the pull tabs, canslaw and foil :p
Left the rubbish in the bins. Here is a bit of what I held onto as more interesting than pull tabs and foil. The little chair pendant is a ripper.
found about 4 inches down. No markings on it but it is heavy for its size. A few lead pieces which can go in the sinker bucket and what appears to
be some kind of wined up mechanism. Your thoughts on what it is would be appreciated. No pre dec's as I was hoping 8.(




Of course :rolleyes: Bloody obvious now that you have identified it. Can't believe I didn't see it. I have 5 of them in the shed.
Thanks duck.
Nice finds mate, I found one of those wick things a couple months back as well as a base for it about 10-15mtrs away, it's somewhat flattened though.
It's the Minelab Sovereign GT. Still learning to understand what it is trying to tell me.
It can get very confusing at times but with time will learn the subtleties of her speech.
Until then I dig a lot of crap :/ All part of the learning process.
Well on the way home from my daughters swimming carnival today stopped at a very small park in a small town for a 30 minute swing.
Lucky the detector managed to miraculously find its way into the boot ;) Not a huge amount to tell but happy with what was found anyway.
4x .01c coins, 4x .02c coins and a Dixon teaspoon. Not sure what it is made of yet trying to decipher the markings on it at the moment. Will post
some pics later tonight or tomorrow. Was hoping that this park would throw up some pre decimals but it was not to be. The hunt will continue
tomorrow elsewhere :cool:
