Where is the GT

Prospecting Australia

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May 31, 2015
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I was in SE Qld hope that is close enough. and where is GT.Don,t know GT at all
Pablo is correct. But i should add that those large nuggets (or any big ones for that matter) weren't found by me unfortunately. Good luck BLE and keep us posted if you find any that are big enough to trip over!!
Thank you both . I had no eye dear what GT meant . And a couple weeks ago i tripped over on the gold fields , but it was,t gold ,it was the big painfull red bull ant biting and stinging my leg. That was fun ,i had to rip its head off to stop it stinging. very tough ant lol.
Ouch. Those types of things, ants and walking through spider webs etc make the first gold find so much sweeter when they do come our way.
Very much so .So many ants where i go . a nest about every 20 meters . Bull ants and jumping jacks.ouch and some .But it does make the first fine sweeter.Just wish there was more fines . which state are you in .
In Victoria BLE. Ballarat to be exact. Don't mind the bullants but i can't handle those jumping jacks. Often find gold on the ants nest down here. Detect it, get a signal, scrape it, move away till the ants settle down a bit and go back to their holes and then scoop out the signal. Hopefully end up with a spec of gold.
I can handle both the ants . They bloody hurt. It does not stop me . I keep going .I,m just looking for that gold stuff. I haven,t been to VIC yet . I will have to get down there soon.