O'Allen Ford Shut Down

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Prospector Jett

Brad Fielden
Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score
Berry , NSW
Hi Ladies & Gentlemen I on here to give you all some sad news about O'Allens Crossing Or O'Allen Ford ! the local council have finally shut the whole area down and claimed it as Crown land that being said any prospecting will wind you up with a fine for doing so ! Im not sure if the rule still applies to the actual sand bar and the river area its self but the bank and all that above has signs posted every where saying there is no camping 4WDing Fires or motor bikes are removal of foliage !
any way I had known that this was going to take place a year ago and had tried to warn some clubs about it only with the reply that they had heard about and I guess didnt think it would happen ! well it has and now one of a great spot to go prospect is gone I'm not sure if there is a way to get this sorted and get it opened back up but I would like to know what all your thoughts are on this and where we stand with prospecting at this location ?
I hope you all have a merry christmas and a happy new year ! :)
Prospector Jett
P.S. A vid will be up soon on O'Allen Ford on youtube if your interested look up Prospector Jett's Channel ! :)
We have already been discussing this and Thank You for your input. :) :)
I would like to know who told you that prospecting is now banned.
Coming from the resources that I spoke to, It is Camping that is not
allowed now due to some idiots doing the wrong thing in the area.
Please email me your reply as I do not want names displayed on the forum.
Just click on the " Email " icon to your left under my Avatar.
NAPFA would become highly involved if this is the case that prospecting is
now not allowed..
I am waiting for your response.
Thanks for your efforts TathraDj.Prospector Jetts post proves that there is a lot of confusion regarding the closure of O'allen.I am sure that on behalf of everyone who digs at O'allen I can say thank you very much for trying to get us a definitive answer as to what we are allowed to do out there and put this to rest.
Hi Guys wow was surprised to see a response so fast !! Yes Im sure there may be some confusion on my behalf but mostly because as it states in the permits for prospecting in NSW State forrest's Im sure I read that you can not do any sort of prospecting on Crown land ? Now my confusion I guess is if you can do any kind of prospecting on the river and the sand bar its self ? I know that you can still work legally up to 50m up the side of a river bank but does it it include Crown land right next to it ?
I heard from a local down there over a year ago that they wanted to close it down to every one & police it but I thought that was a load of bull any way !
Cheers guys I would like to know an answer too
Prospector Jett & Brad :)
Prospector Jett said:
Hi Guys wow was surprised to see a response so fast !! Yes Im sure there may be some confusion on my behalf but mostly because as it states in the permits for prospecting in NSW State forrest's Im sure I read that you can not do any sort of prospecting on Crown land ? Now my confusion I guess is if you can do any kind of prospecting on the river and the sand bar its self ? I know that you can still work legally up to 50m up the side of a river bank but does it it include Crown land right next to it ?
I heard from a local down there over a year ago that they wanted to close it down to every one & police it but I thought that was a load of bull any way !
Cheers guys I would like to know an answer too
Prospector Jett & Brad :)
Doesn't say anything like that on my state forest permit & in any case that permit has no jurisdiction outside of the state forests anyway.
You can prospect/fossick on Crown Land in NSW. Unmanaged Crown Land requires no permission but Crown Land under management, leased or otherwise held under an authority does.
7.62marksman said:
i am there everyweeked and at this stage i have had no problems i have seen the police every now and then have a look but apart from that no worries so i would be very interested to find out more information
I am glad to hear that mate cause I like going there as much as possible too but just needed to clarify I guess !!
Just an update. :)
I have been talking to a few department heads and as soon as I have clarified
and mapped it all out,
I will let every one know.
At this stage there are a few pieces of the Jigsaw missing.
All I have to do is fill in the gaps as if to say.
Stay tuned.
Hi all
Well went to Oallen today and it was so nice to see all the signs still in place and all the caravans and tents that were there everyone looked so well set up outside toilet screens, showers laundry lines table chairs etc but the best part were the three motor bikes that were tearing up the camp area spraying dust and crap every where doing wheel stands the length of the bridge and up around the corner heading south
ohhhh silly me i forgot to mention that the bikes were unregistered more the likely no licences as well they look rather young but i must say that the way they were spraying dirt all over the large sign that says NO MOTOR BIKES guess the morons cant read
ooops does that mean you cant camp there ether na i am sure the bloke that had his cloths line attached to the sign post and a tree cant read ether
On return to Town one of the tourists said they would report the rego numbers of the veh towing the motor bikes
maybe someone will give a s*&t and do something about the problem but i doubt that very much
PS on the bottom of the signs now has a addition ----NO FUN--- lol

on a lighter note i met a lovely couple from up Penrith area who were doing some panning they put me to shame for what they got (and i had the high banker) hope your day ended well and you had a safe journey home
my take for the day was very dismal not worth taking a photo and putting on here spent a lot of time talking and answering questions for the tourists (good PR if nothing else)
7.62marksman said:
Hi all
Well went to Oallen today and it was so nice to see all the signs still in place and all the caravans and tents that were there everyone looked so well set up outside toilet screens, showers laundry lines table chairs etc but the best part were the three motor bikes that were tearing up the camp area spraying dust and crap every where doing wheel stands the length of the bridge and up around the corner heading south
ohhhh silly me i forgot to mention that the bikes were unregistered more the likely no licences as well they look rather young but i must say that the way they were spraying dirt all over the large sign that says NO MOTOR BIKES guess the morons cant read
ooops does that mean you cant camp there ether na i am sure the bloke that had his cloths line attached to the sign post and a tree cant read ether
On return to Town one of the tourists said they would report the rego numbers of the veh towing the motor bikes
maybe someone will give a s*&t and do something about the problem but i doubt that very much
PS on the bottom of the signs now has a addition ----NO FUN--- lol

on a lighter note i met a lovely couple from up Penrith area who were doing some panning they put me to shame for what they got (and i had the high banker) hope your day ended well and you had a safe journey home
my take for the day was very dismal not worth taking a photo and putting on here spent a lot of time talking and answering questions for the tourists (good PR if nothing else)

I get the same at oallen in holiday periods , spend 10 minutes in every hour answering questions but you can't tell them to burger off , I do the polite thing and gesticulate with hand signals to indicate I am deaf and they move along ...
lol might have to try that one
I dont mind some of the kids jump in and want to have a go so who am i to stop them lol
i have only ever met one or two that i would happily use as back fill for the hole
some only stand and watch and never say a word