I finally made it back to Nundle :)

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Hi all
I spent about 2 hours this week panning some dirt from crevices, just off the dirt road out of Nundle and got some nice gold in my pan, about half a gram in an hour. I haven't panned for a while, so my hamstrings are sooo sore :-( The Gold was good though :)
edz350 said:
Hi all
I spent about 2 hours this week panning some dirt from crevices, just off the dirt road out of Nundle and got some nice gold in my pan, about half a gram in an hour. I haven't panned for a while, so my hamstrings are sooo sore :-( The Gold was good though :)

Not a bad effort mate. I'm planning on heading back as soon as it starts to warm up.

Hey Nugget, just set up camp at the free camping area on swamp creek at Nundle. What a great place and found colour already. Looks like im going to stay for awhile and work those hills. Will be posting alot more when i get a new tablet! Last one caught a bug! My little phone is painful. The other fossickers here are good fun and such a good vib about the place. Will try and post a pic of my homemade pvc. Electric sluice.
That's not a bad spot to camp just as long as the wind doesn't pick up. If you're after a hot shower, head 15kms up the road to Chaffey Dam, the showers operate on a honour system so throw in a dollar or two and your good to go. Good water pressure too.

How long are you planning on staying?
A hot shower sounds good, a little sore for sum reason! I could be here for a month if the prospecting is good. Magic place.
would love to come up but its a bit of a drive for me (vic.)
maybe organise one on the NSW/Vic border somewhere for us mexicans :p

maybe over the jan brake
Thoughts ??
Hi Nugget,

That looks like a really nice place.
I lived in Tamworth for a few years when the misses was just out of uni, (pre fossicking days, kicking myself now) :)

Nundle is an old gold mining town.
I really want to get out there. Few years ago I was on my way back to Newcastle from the Great Nundle Dog race, (totally another story) and stumbled upon a 70km long dirt track that my navman took me on out of Nundle, it had a few creek crossing on the way.
I'm very keen to get out the way and have a scratch around.
I'll post some photos when/if i get out there, I'm planing to get out there on the October 7th public holiday, just as long as I don't get any surprises from work.

I have heard that the diggings up there are good and quite productive?

Has anyone else had other experiences out at Nundle? Good or bad?
Hi newbie, Nundel is a great place to fossick around. Always see colour in the pan and grm stones, i hope to be still here then. So i'll show you or anyone around for matter. There is free camping on the river 4ks out of town. Leave your petrol pump behind for they are baned! But sluicing is good.
Exactly what I'm looking for!

I'm going to look into this 7th October trip a bit more :)
Hi all,
I have decided to sneek up to Nundle for the next couple of days to have a bit of a detect and maybe a bit of a pan but mainly just to get away for a few days chasing the gold. I will be staying at the pub Monday night if anyone is in the area.
I will let you know how I go.

If anyone is free until Tuesday night I have a spare seat in the Patrol, you just need to get to Singleton by tomorrow morning!!!!
