Explorer SE Pro medal find!

Prospecting Australia

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Chris Johnson
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Mount Gambier
After spending most of the previous night at the beach, it was time to give the legs a rest and check out a park closer to home. This is the same park I found the ww1/2 rising sun at, so I was hopeful of finding some older items in the area.

Well the hunt didn't last long, I was too excited by my one decent find, and rushed home to clean it up and show the missus and wack it up on the forum. I was searching in a dark corner of the park, and got a screaming signal in some of the stickiest clay known to man. At first I thought ot was just another chunk of brass or irrigation equipmemt, but on closer inspection after cleaning it off in a nearby creek, I had pulled out a World War 1 Victory medal. Happy chappy! :)




Nice find, wonder if some kid was wearing Pops medals while playing and lost it. Maybe Pop was drinking one night and threw his medals away! Does it have a name/number on the rim?
The medal belonged to private H.L Pavy from the 23rd machine gun battalion. I have tracked down a photo of the soldier in Belgium, he is the first soldier on the far left of the back row, just to the right of the tree. He died in action on the 2/6/1918 in France.

I may look to see if I can track down the relatives if possible. :)

Thanks for the pics and story. Any Pavy's still in the area? Looks like maybe his father signed for the medal and wonder how it came to be lost and I imagine it would have been in a special place.