Pending Garrett Axiom release in Aust.

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One foot out the door
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
West of the Yarra, East of SA,
Further to earlier posts ..... Garrett don't get too much air time compared to Minelab here in Oz but seems like the Garrett Axiom is due for release here before the end of the year ....

Looks an interesting bit of kit but could be pricey .... what isn't there days for top of the range detectors. Worst case if it's a winner it may bring some price competition into play.
Will be interesting to see some Aussie reviews (OK Garrett if you insist I'll trial it for you).

Some basic blurb or if you've got nothing better to do check out some of their videos (think some links had already been posted). (Hopefully we can keep our sledging to a minimum.)

Cheers T.


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Actually really keen to give one a test run. It’s ground balance system could be a real winner but won’t know until it gets in lots of peoples hands in lots of different ground conditions.

The price point is going to be a barrier though I think. Within about $600 of a GPX 6000 in Australia might be a hard ask. If they had priced it at $6,000 I think they would have sold lots.

All yet to be seen though I suppose 👍
Atm, from what I hear,I would gladly swap my 6k for an axiom.
I'm not suggesting that the axiom Is better than the 6k, but has different strengths that might be more suitable to me. One being it's ability to handle emi.
In the last few days, detecting has been over for 6k users up here by midday.
Our season is short due to access because of our wet season and emi produced by storms. If the 6k can only do half days now, a good 2 to 3 months before the storms really become daily, then it's not a lot of use to me. Let's see what the new garret brings to the table. I like the idea of better handling of emi and a couple that with a dd coil, and it might have some advantages in the tropics.
Field testing of Garrett Axiom prototypes in Australia and the US showed that it wasn't quite ready for prime time, so retail launch has been delayed for factory tweaking and a software update. Pre-Xmas in the US is the most recent prediction that I've seen.
Field testing of Garrett Axiom prototypes in Australia and the US showed that it wasn't quite ready for prime time, so retail launch has been delayed for factory tweaking and a software update. Pre-Xmas in the US is the most recent prediction that I've seen.
Nice, well my dealer has had my $4,000 since late July/early Aug when it was announced so I don't mind waiting. I'd rather wait for one that's delayed, fully tested and shipped only when ready than get one early that's untested and turns out to be rubbish with defects across the board like my 6000 was. Thanks for the info Grubstake.
The fact that one of the worlds leading detector testers and operators has sold his GPX6000 ( according to him ) in favour of the Axiom for his go to gold machine must say something.
He also runs a prospecting forum (DP) in which the Axiom has been extensively discussed, with many positive comments and critiques.
I am eagerly awaiting reports from Aussie owners down the track.
The fact that one of the worlds leading detector testers and operators has sold his GPX6000 ( according to him ) in favour of the Axiom for his go to gold machine must say something.
He also runs a prospecting forum (DP) in which the Axiom has been extensively discussed, with many positive comments and critiques.
I am eagerly awaiting reports from Aussie owners down the track.
More like most vocal and visible with his own forum and USA based where 99% of his testing is done.
he readily admits that on his recent stint in Australia the 6000 was hands down clearly ahead
I think there are a lot of us hanging out to see some real feedback. I'm hoping its a serious contender because Minelab need a shake up. If you look back at what they delivered in the GPX4500 and GPX5000 amongst others, they were a long way ahead of what's been delivered in recent years from a reliability point of view. Their new detectors are like a product we expect to receive from a cheap Chinese build compared to a quality product from Japan.
I agree Philip. The better the detector is, the more nervous Minelab will become. I’m pleased to see that there is another machine around that finally has the capacity to find some gold. When there are some quality aftermarket coils produced, there will be a lot of people taking notice. Could you imagine a detector that incorporated the best design features of both machines. I’m sure Minelab designers are already working on that as we speak.
Hmmm, so it's a game of the Axiom has to be better than anything else, or not worth a fair minded look? Last minute revisions? Like every model made by other detector brands that I have worked with? But you don't get told about? What about revisions after the fact? Do they count?

So if it's all about being the best, what is the best? The GPZ 7000? The GPX 6000? If so, why does Minelab waste time making the GPX 5000 or SDC 2300? Or are they "the best?" Any room for nuance and less than black and white thinking? Different needs, different budgets?

Am I only supposed to have worked with Minelab on the 7000 and 6000, which some seem to like? Or be open to anything and everything? Yeah, I do like the Axiom a lot, it's a very good detector. Am I interested in the Fisher? You bet. Just like was interested in the Axiom. And whatever Nokta is up to. I think the GPZ is four times too much money, the 6000 and Axiom 2-3 times too much money, and will not be happy until I see a good performing PI that weighs about four pounds and sells for about $2000 U.S. That's the challenge I put out in 2017 (google "Under 4 Pound, Under $2000 Gbpi Challenge") and I'll work with anyone possible to see that day come. So far I'm only halfway there. I could care less about any of these companies, and have only done what I have done all these years to help get us all better detectors at better prices. I've lost the price war for 20 years, but that tide is finally turning, and the future looks bright indeed.

I don't normally post here, but since people were trying to read my mind and motivations, there you have it. Some will like the Axiom, some will take a piss on it knowing nothing about it. Whatever. I have great faith in detectorists in general, and it seems to me many like their GP 3500 to this day, and have the gold to show for it. Give me a prospector with good research skills, the ability to find good ground, and a willingness to work hard, and I'll bet I could put any one of a half dozen detectors in his hands, and he would do well. I do not subscribe to the idea that it is the machine making the prospector; I believe the prospector makes the machine. The Axiom is just another option, just another possible choice for some. That's all. It's a better product than it might have been if I had not been involved, and that's enough for me.

I wish all my Aussie friends and brothers a wonderful holiday season, and a prosperous New Year - may your pockets end up lined with gold nuggets in 2023!
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Good onya Steve. Hopefully your wish will come true. Competition keeps the price of treasure detectors at a reasonable price. It would be nice to see this occur in the gold detecting range in the near future. Wishing you a merry Xmas as well. May your rattle jar tear holes in your pockets over the festive season.
Just a general reminder:
Any false assumptions or other derogatory remarks made against forum moderators or other members will be removed without notice! Temporary or permanent bans may also be considered.

Please keep the thread on topic which is about the pending release of the Garrett Axiom in Australia.

Discussion on the pending Detech coils has been moved here to separate them for further discussion:

Posts directly relating to the GPX6000 have been moved here:
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Field testing of Garrett Axiom prototypes in Australia and the US showed that it wasn't quite ready for prime time, so retail launch has been delayed for factory tweaking and a software update. Pre-Xmas in the US is the most recent prediction that I've seen.
I still don't think it's ready! Endless issues with's currently back at Garrett......again!
Atm, from what I hear,I would gladly swap my 6k for an axiom.
I'm not suggesting that the axiom Is better than the 6k, but has different strengths that might be more suitable to me. One being it's ability to handle emi.
In the last few days, detecting has been over for 6k users up here by midday.
Our season is short due to access because of our wet season and emi produced by storms. If the 6k can only do half days now, a good 2 to 3 months before the storms really become daily, then it's not a lot of use to me. Let's see what the new garret brings to the table. I like the idea of better handling of emi and a couple that with a dd coil, and it might have some advantages in the tropics.
Hope you got your 6000 sorted out. There are some shielding mods that reduce the EMI significantly. Similar to the GPZ 7000 shielding mods - see Detectormods for further information. "When" my Axiom is working, it fairs a little better than the 600 on EMI but the 6000 kills it in finding heaps more gold..... I know what I'd prefer?

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