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  1. R

    12 Weeks To Find First Gold (Persistence Pays).

    Hey MG, Long time no speak. Whats the go with this new site im reading about, its been a while since i've been on here and im slowly catching up with all the posts.
  2. R

    12 Weeks To Find First Gold (Persistence Pays).

    Nice one MG way to keep us in suspense hope that's a big chunk of quartz
  3. R

    12 Weeks To Find First Gold (Persistence Pays).

    Hi MG, Sounds like your onto a winner over in the west there mate. If you need a helping hand I'm keen to get into a bit of that action lol All the best RC GOLD
  4. R

    Nugget finder evo coils

    Thanks all I have the 17x13 evo and find gold with it just wondering if the 15 goes much deeper than the 17x13
  5. R

    Nugget finder evo coils

    Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the difference between the 17x13 evo and the 15" evo coils and which is their go to coil.
  6. R

    12 Weeks To Find First Gold (Persistence Pays).

    Well hell MG my estimation was a bit off obviously some good size bits in amongst all that gold definitely onto a good thing there. I dare say you'll be digging up a storm for a fare while once you find the direction of gold flow. Congrats on your haul so far and keen to read what happens next...
  7. R

    12 Weeks To Find First Gold (Persistence Pays).

    Geez you've got to be up to about half an oz by now with still more to come very nice area indeed.
  8. R

    12 Weeks To Find First Gold (Persistence Pays).

    Love your work MD looks like your onto a nice patch hitting that calcrete is hard work but we'll worth it when it's hiding nuggets like that in it I dare say you'll get a good lot gold out of that spot. Regards Ryan
  9. R

    Prospecting / Gold detecting tours & training Victoria

    The guy that ran the training day runs a 3500 and I don't know if he is doing any more training days you would have to ask him
  10. R

    Prospecting / Gold detecting tours & training Victoria

    Always good to get a different perspective on things and a nice addition to my collection as well
  11. R

    Prospecting / Gold detecting tours & training Victoria

    Cheers to MG for the time and effort he put in to the training day, very informative. Was a great day with a great bunch of blokes and here's the .6 gram nugget that I snagged
  12. R


    Cheers RM Outback
  13. R


    Howdy my name's Ryan and I'm an addict. I've been an addict for a year and a half now and can't seem to shake it nor do I want to. That's right people I'm addicted to GOLD. ;)