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  1. J

    Interesting Lightning ridge thing.

    It's a flint nodule. I'd be happy to turn it into arrowheads for ya:) Jay.
  2. J

    Today I BOUGHT

    We had a couple of two man chainsaws kicking around in the shed years ago. They went for a few bob in a clearing sale. Actually just about everything we sold in that sale went for next to nothing. Like a running 1936 V 12 Cadillac with a spare motor for five hundred dollars. Sigh. Jay
  3. J

    Today I BOUGHT

    Hey mate- how about a 300 horsepower V8 chainsaw, doing the same cut in 0.88 seconds:) Jay.
  4. J

    Today I MADE

    Every year we grow a few different varieties of pumpkin- the old standards like Queensland blue- they'll keep for three years on a rack out of the weather- and we also try varieties we haven't grown before. Last summer just for fun I grew a few of those giant orange things- thought I could feed...
  5. J

    Today I MADE

    G'day Johno. You kill your own piggy wig or buy the meat? I bumped off one of my five month old saddlebacks just before sunset- he's hanging off the back of my little blacksmith shop now- expecting a good frost tonight so he'll be set solid and easy to cut up in the morning. Got three more to...
  6. J

    Is there any truth behind " the goose that laid the golden egg" ?

    I have some huge prehistoric shark teeth that a mate of mine in America sent me. He said that in the same area where he finds the teeth, he also finds piles of "gizzard stones"- rocks from the crops of long extinct dinosaurs that did the same thing as modern chooks. Not a trace of the dinosaur...
  7. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    Good idea Wally:) I have a few bows- including wheel bows with all the bells and whistles- but my favourite for hunting is a longbow given to me by Bob Sarrels from Texas- a real joy to shoot. Google Sarrels Archery and check out the Sierra model. I have a bowyer mate in Missoula Montana who can...
  8. J

    GM 1000 at Lue

    Hey Rob. Page- don't know the name, but then by the nineties I was working a farm near Glen Innes I think. Hargraves is an interesting old place. When I was little tacker we lived in the first house on the left as you came into the village- used to be the police station. I found a huge police...
  9. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    Nice rock there Wally. I'd be happy to give you some pointers. Use copper tools. Tap the tip of your pressure flaker into a four sided point- the sides are excellent for removing flakey edges, and hammering to a point doesn't waste copper like filing does.Main things to remember- follow the...
  10. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    Well Shucks Juzz! I'm blushing:) Plenty of other topics we can talk about if you like- I've tried my hand at a lot of things over the years which isn't necessarily a good thing- I have bits and pieces from twenty hobbies stashed around the place- everything from fly tying, flint knapping, bow...
  11. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    Thanks mate. You'd remember if we'd met I reckon:) I'm a long, skinny old feller, covered in white hair- walk like I've crapped meself:) Jay.
  12. J

    Bush tricks - share yours here...

    My old Dad and I camped out together hundreds of times, running trap lines for rabbits mostly- about a hundred to a hundred and forty traps a night. For one or two night trips we had a double bed roll wrapped in an old tarp. The tucker was carried in an old pillow case and was condensed down as...
  13. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    G'day Neil. Yep I live on a farm just outside Gulgong- another gold mining town- also the town pictured on the original ten dollar note. About an hour east of Dubbo- hour and a half if the old dear is driving:) Jay.
  14. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    Thanks peoples:) RM I've always panned- the last time I tried my hand with a detector was about thirty years ago, below some Chinese diggings on the Meroo Creek on a mates place, in a spot I'd had my eye on for about twenty years, I found a dead horse with his shoes on. Big signal- big hole-...
  15. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    Thank you Silver! Jay.
  16. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    Thank you kindly Wishful! Bladder cancer survivor eh? Prostate cancer survivor myself- we'll have to get together sometime and compare scars and horror stories:) Jay.
  17. J

    Good Evening Viewers:)

    G'day All. I'm Jay. Old. Married. No money, too many hobbies and interests. Whatever your religion or politics, I can guarantee I won't want to hear about it. I enjoy blacksmithing, making stuff, bowhunting. I've been a flintknapper for about twenty five years- I hunt with stone arrowheads- make...
  18. J

    GM 1000 at Lue

    G'day Rob. Mind if I ask the name of the inlaws? I grew up in Hargraves and surrounds and worked there for years. Went to school in Mudgee- hated every bloody minute of it:) There was a time when I knew just about everybody in the Hargraves district. Most of them dead or moved on now, but I do...