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    • beeflute
      Well either theory is entirely possible until one of us gets out there and has a look to check if what I'm saying is accurate and I'm...
    • beeflute
      That's one theory. Another is that, having separated from his companions Lasseter was stranded when his camels bolted with all his...
    • beeflute
      It's real. Lassiter was murdered for his gold samples when he refused to give the location of the reef to Paul johns. His secret died...
    • beeflute
      beeflute reacted to guipago's post in the thread Lassiters Reef with Like Like.
      Not as over the top as I thought it would be, beeflute might get a good run at it.
    • beeflute
      beeflute reacted to Nightjar's post in the thread Lassiters Reef with Like Like.
      No third degree. The various mobs only met up every month or so to discuss and maybe approve applications like this. We did not have to...
    • beeflute
      beeflute reacted to Moneybox's post in the thread Lassiters Reef with Like Like.
      Common sense needs to prevail, this is our country, many of us are 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation. The desert out there is vacant crown land...
    • beeflute
      beeflute replied to the thread Lassiters Reef.
      Well what was hoping to do was get boots on the ground first find the necessary evidence I need. (Photos. Samples. Specimens.) Without...
    • beeflute
      beeflute replied to the thread Lassiters Reef.
      Hi admin I tried to respond to your private message but it keeps saying that I can't post because of inappropriate content but I can't...
    • beeflute
      beeflute reacted to guipago's post in the thread Lassiters Reef with Like Like.
      If it is on Aboriginal land that opens another can of worms in itself, permissions, why you want to be there and, do the owners of the...
    • beeflute
      beeflute replied to the thread Lassiters Reef.
      thank you for telling me. I was wondering how often I might see somebody out there I was thinking not much. but you reckon not at all...
    • beeflute
      beeflute reacted to guipago's post in the thread Lassiters Reef with Like Like.
      3 months stuff about sounds about right, was there any third degree about 'why' you wanted to go there?
    • beeflute
      beeflute reacted to Nightjar's post in the thread Lassiters Reef with Like Like.
      Took me 3 months going through the channels to gain permission. We had to abort the mission due to heaviest rain since Lasseter was out...
    • beeflute
      beeflute reacted to manficat's post in the thread Lassiters Reef with Like Like.
      If there is even a whiff of information about its location mining companies over the last few decades would have been looking for it, no...
    • beeflute
      beeflute replied to the thread Lassiters Reef.
      I was that bingo. turns out I have signed in through two different methods and created two different accounts. so they have to fix it...
    • beeflute
      I believe there is plenty of gold reefs still undiscovered. The length of the alleged reef would be small in comparison the surrounding...
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