What colour do Aussie diamonds show under UV?

Prospecting Australia

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Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
Port Macquarie, NSW
I was going through my bag of small clear/yellow zircons today when I noticed that some of the small ones had a shiny outside more than the others.
They were the straw yellow zircons you find and ranged from 0.25 to 0.5 carats.
I put them under UV light and they glowed a brighter yellow than normal zircons.
I know diamonds are supposed to be blue under UV, however I saw that yellow ones glow yellow (like a clear zircons).
Knowing that alot of Aussie diamonds are a straw yellow colour. Does anyone have a confirmed diamond and have they seen it under UV?
Was it yellow, blue or no colour?
Thanks in advance.
From my understanding only about 10% of diamonds flouresce under UV. No idea about yellow ones but have seen white diamonds flouresce under UV.

I took these pics of a friends ring.
