SPP with the Fix

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Aug 14, 2014
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Hi all,

Well, the SPP has gone through a minor revolution so it will work in OZ. The Fix initially was to modify the electronics so the "hiccup" was no longer a problem. That took a brief amount of time but is done now. Unfortunately, the SPP never had an initial reset function and wasn't needed until the initial Fix was installed. As it turns out, certain coils will not allow the detector to turn on as if a reset function was in place. This is a start up condition that simply requires the detector to reset itself and that happens once you raise from the ground or raise and lower the coil with respect to the ground. Once that is done, the initial start up audio will not happen again until the detector is turned off and on again.

People complained about this start up signal so a second very simple Fix was implemented and that was to short out the problematic circuit causing the audio start up signal. Well, both fixes were my suggestions and I failed to notice that when the second fix was installed, there would be an increase in gain. The result is more like the gain pot was extended over a wider range.

So, if you decide to have both fixes installed, you will have more gain, which when using on a beach with the GB off will result in a deeper detector. Ironically, more gain is just what many people want. With the GB on, there can be more depth but at the expense of more noise. Unfortunately, noise signal is also increased as are all target signals. So, with both fixes installed, the preset mark is not exactly where it was initially. So, don't expect the same results if you used the detector prior to the fixes.

Now, if you read the instructions, you will see where it is stated the gain control is or should be set at a level that can be allowed for the conditions. Bad ground, high EMI both will cause one to reduce the gain for a nice quiet response. The preset is merely a starting point for a beginner but may be too harsh for many locations in OZ. In 99% of the world, the preset is just fine as a starting point.

So, in simple terms, with both fixes you have more gain now than what was originally available is not a fault. In fact many find that a plus. The preset notch or setting is merely a mark on the box you can use as a reference. It doesn't mean anything else.

A few people do not like the second fix. That is fine, and if you catch Dean before he installs it, it can be left off. It is no big deal. This is a bottom line PI with exceptional features at a great price. Please don't expect $5000 or $6000 service on a detector costing 1/5 as much. Also, try to get your much more expensive to run as smoothly as the SPP.

Now, as for coils, the SPP like the TDI series has an autotune function that is maximized for a 12" coil or smaller. Use a larger coil and the results will not be optimized. Tricks will be needed to get maximum depth.

This detector will work with ML compatible coils but don't expect the greatest results. They can easily be noisier, more temperamental over bad ground and quite expensive. They generally work, though.

The closest coil made today that matches what Eric Foster designed for the TDI series is Miner John's coils. Eric used to use a special lead foil for shielding but later changed to a special tape. He designed his windings for a certain signal at the end of its pulse length. Today, Miner John uses a similar special rather expensive tape for shielding and similar wire size. The result is better noise rejection and generally overall a quieter more stable coil.

Just so you know, I have no affiliation with Miner John except to answer his questions should he call. I also use similar techniques when I build a coil for one of the TDI series for myself.

I hope this clears up some misconceptions.

One last note, if you don't like the fixes as they are now, please feel free to not buy a SPP and to spend whole lot more for a different brand. In my opinion White's has already spent more time and money than the SPP costs in trying to provide a decent working machine for those of you in OZ. In my opinion, it is by far the best bang for the buck.

G'day Reg,
Just to be clear, does the new circuit board fix both issues or does the start up condition that you describe need to be addressed separately on this new board. As my detector is on it's way to Dean's shop, should I talk to him about the second fix issue.
Regards, Adrian

As I understand it, the new boards Dean has now fix the hiccup and the second (start up noise) fix which consists of nothing more than soldering a wire across a capacitor is done by Dean. So, it would be wise to try to decide which setup you prefer. As an example, if you feel you understand the start up noise and it doesn't bother you and you prefer slightly less gain, then ask Dean to not install the jumper across the cap. If you want more gain, then you might prefer the second fix be installed.

What I don't know is what the next generation boards will be like. The second fix was initially tried at the factory and it worked well, plus, they were told the second fix worked in OZ, so they may have taken C42 out. If that is the case, then it is now a mute point. I won't know for a couple of days either way.

On a different note, I have been working with and using the SL since 2010 and still do not know all the tricks, but I read people who have tried the new board for a couple of hours giving advice or making assumptions. I think you will find it will take a while to fully get a feel of what each control does and learn the why's of that control. In other words, it will take weeks to months to get to better understand just how to set up the detector.

As an example, some people don't want more gain, yet another person has had his unit modified for much more gain and is happy finding nuggets. So, it is a preferred choice and no two people will really want what someone is using if they feel there is a better setup.

For those who don't know much about a PI detector, I recommend you read something I wrote back in 2003 called Understanding a PI detector. It is sort of outdated but not by much.

Here is a link. http://www.deeptech-bg.com/Understanding_The_PI_Detector.htm

Finally, please learn what the frequency control is for. Having this control off even a little can cause one detector to seriously sound worse and not go as deep as another. Noise is a big culprit and that is why I recommend using a single tone mode. The noise level is far less. Now, I am considering working on a mod that would run the detector in the low conductivity mode but switch automatically to the high conductor mode if a high conductor is detected. This could give the best of both worlds.

When an object is detected and the signals go through the GB process, the signal is either a high conductor or a low conductor but not both. So, the detector knows as the signal is analyzed. What do you think? Is it something a person might want?

Reg, Thanks for the detailed explanation. This will give people a better understanding of what to expect when they receive the new boards.

You have been patient and a gentleman with all of your correspondence with us and we appreciate your knowledge, involvement and commitment to the whites SPP problems.

I would just like to say to everyone that my Whites SPP is running well now since the mods have been carried out. I have tested it on some harsh soils and its been better than ever. I think because this issue has been resolved with the SPP it will pave the way for the TDI SL to be used here as well and this could only be a positive for Whites IMO.

Reg, If you want to design something for the TDI Pro, SL and SPP which i think these machines are lacking and that's "Auto Ground Tracking". Fit that to the TDI's and it would revolutionize these machines.
I'm interested in a mod that will allow hunting in LOW then automatically switch into ALL if it detects a larger gold nugget!
Obviously it will have a particular area one would want to use it for so would need to be turned off also.

An Auto track would be nice but after thinking about it we might miss small gold like Minelabs....
Yes automatic conductivity switching would be great! I've fitted the switch myself and to be able to run in low is soo quiet, but in some area's the possibility of large and very pure gold is very real so your forced to run in all. And as roscoe said a ground track button style of gb would be really popular.

Regards Daryl
That would be the go Daryl a fast track button on the handle, but it would have to have a switch and still the GB control knob so you can still off set the GB if you required. :)
Oh that would be nice :)

probably not realistic as an add on but maybe something that could be used on a new design.