My first finds - courtesy of a tot lot

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Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
After getting home and getting the detector together is was a tad to late to go roaming the parks of Canberra.

With careful viewing of many youtube videos I took a trip to the Pine Island picnic area in Greenway and took my first foray since sometime in the 80's into swinging a metal detector.

After an hour of prowling the deserted playground equipment I'd found many pieces of aluminium foil, crown lager bottle tops and ring pulls but didn't walk away empty handed - I found a 2004 10 cent peice and a small piece of jewelery.

Sent a message to my partner after that saying - OK only 889.90 to go to recover the cost of my latest obessesion.


I've found another couple of coins since but as has been said elsewhere you just have to keep looking and learning.

Good stuff Dominact. Nice bit of bling there as well.
$889, that is nothing compared to the joy you get back. Keep your finds coming.
That's great Dom ....your first bit of bling is always the the first nugget...the rest come much easier. Good luck on the next dig.Cheers Wal. :)
Took a pass through Casuarina Sands yesterday afternoon. Found many pull tabs, bottle caps and aluminum cans which, of course, I bagged and removed from the park.

Also found a wire eye glasses frame and the spout of a teapot which was a genuine WTF moment.

But also added another 10 cents to the tray and an unfortunate fisherman's sinkers. 3 in a tight group.

Another day of getting out and getting some vitamin D.
Should have thrown the fishing rod in at the same time and at least gone home with a some good coins last trip at the junction of the Cotter and the Bidgee and just upstream below the scout camp....Good luck on the next dig...Cheers Wal. :)
Was thinking that - I'm surprised that I haven't actually found any hooks yet.

Next may end up being a trip to Oallen Forde for a look around as a precursor to a camping trip.
The Forde is a consistent spot and you can't go home empty handed from there. Problem is it's all flour gold so you won't do any good with the detector. Might find the odd coin the fossikers lost and occasionally a coin from the old timers. Let me know when your camping out there as I'm out there quite often. If your hi-banking we could compare notes. Cheers Wal. :)
Per your suggestion will take a couple of pans out for a day of trying out.

I am seriously only a newby at this so at the moment the AT-Gold and the pans I acquire are the extent of my arsenal but will build up slowly.

Will let you know though when I'm headed out there.

