Equinox 800 Airport Interference

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Eric Walker
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Arncliffe Sydney
Have done a few hunts near Sydney Airport, with direct line of sight my machine goes crazy, even when I'm not swinging it. Same situation in park and field modes.
Does anyone have any work around for this situation.
Thanks Phantom
About the only thing I can think of is to turn the sensitivity up, do a noise cancel and then adjust the sensitivity
down to where it's stable, even on pretty low gain it should still work ok if you can get it stable.
I'm a bit doubtful about radar. Radar is directional and the RF energy they generate is contained in beams that are very narrow and resemble the beam of a spotlight. They are also pulses and in a continuously varying direction. And (in pure ignorance on my part), I cannot see why they would be directed at ground level, since every fence, car etc would bounce back a signal.
Dr Bruce Candy, Minelab: As radars have very intense peak powers with highly directional antennas, which direct all their energy in a narrow beam, they tend to be worse than other transmitters but, nevertheless, usually produce no effects in metal detectors when more than about a mile away. If one is this close to a powerful transmitter, it is very likely that one is also near mains electricity, so it is hard to tell which source is the dominant source of interference. Generally one can tell, because mains can be tuned out, but usually not the powerful transmitters. As these very powerful transmitters are few and far between, there are very few locations where they present a problem.
Source: METAL DETECTOR BASICS AND THEORY, 2. More Advanced theory. 2.1 Environmental magnetic noise sources. Pg,s. 12-13.
Basically, according to Dr Bruce Candy (Minelab), unless you are about 1 mile (~1600m/1.6km) away from radar sources it's likely you won't be able to tune the interference out.
Then there are the aircraft with a wide range of transmitters, not just voice, on board power generation, taxi's, trucks, airport personnel coms
and the list goes on with wireless networking.
Occasionally I would drop into the Adelaide airport many moons ago, and even with 27mhz and UHF handsets, it was like having an arm cut off,
and that was before mobile phones existed.
The enormity of the volumes of radio equipment used in Sydney AP, just boggles my mind.
Sounds like you are aligned to the landing beacon, pilots use this to get on the " glide slope" for approach when coming down "finals " for landing