Crusted metallic rocks

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Jul 21, 2013
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Hi guys, posting this in the 'Meteorites' section as it's the only idea I have but could well be something else I'm oblivious to...

Went out detecting with my SDC 2300 at a random dried creek looking for new gold locations. Didn't find any gold, but I found these 2 little "rocks" which sound off like they're gold or lead. You can see in the picture with the 5c coin they're relatively small, but pack some weight for their size. The larger one on the left weighs 2.43g and the smaller one on the right weighed .84g.

I thought I'd hold a flame to the smaller one and see if it quickly melts to rule out lead, and after a few seconds a tiny bit of what I can only describe as "crust" popped right off to expose a very metallic/silvery looking metal underneath the crust... I'm assuming the bigger one will be the same inside (they were found within a several meters of each other and apart from size look/feel identical). They're not attracted to magnet. The outer crust is quite hard and doesn't seem to scratch easily.

I didn't want to do anything else to them until taking pictures and posting here as they have me curious as hell.



Ideas????? :eek:
I somehow managed to get a dodgy close-up shot of the exposed metallic core via microscope and my phone camera...excuse the poor quality/graininess but at least in this shot you can get a better idea of the metallic core structure -- let me tell you it looks truly beautiful under the microscope... I wish I had a better camera for it as this shot does not do it justice!

I'm thinking I'll try and heat it up and bust off the rest of the crust to leave just the metallic core/nugget.


Could it be platinum? What's with the thick crust?
Hmm... after doing bit of research on different types of meteorites I'm starting to doubt my little guys to be meteorites. Perhaps this thread should be moved to a more appropriate forum, Maybe Gemstones & Minerals? Might get a bit more attention there as well.