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In America, seven out of 10 people are on the dole, said Michael Tanner. That's the percentage of people who receive more in government benefits than they pay in taxes, according to a new Tax Foundation study.

Some of these beneficiaries of Uncle Sam's largesse are the poor; another new study, by the Cato Foundation, found that families collecting various welfare benefits, including food stamps, "temporary" cash assistance, and Medicaid, could bring in the equivalent of $35,000 a year -- more than someone would earn in a $20-an-hour job. But it's not just the poor who feed at the trough of our vast welfare state.

Most seniors get far more from Social Security and Medicare than they contribute in payroll taxes. Giant corporations get $100 billion in direct payments and subsidies from the government, in the form of farm and "green" energy subsidies, and Export-Import bank loan guarantees. The military squanders billions on weapons systems it doesn't need, to fund jobs in key lawmakers' districts.

Question can this keep working ?

Statistics from: The Week magazine