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Nov 7, 2019
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So here's my dilemma....
Theres a handful of places within an hour of where I live that id like to 'check-out' prospecting.
Some of these are near creeks/rivers...and there is some past mining activity in the region.

Ive not been to these places before, so it may either be good or bad....idk.

im in debate with myself as whether or not to take ALL MY EQUIP or not...(if it has good potential then no doubt id wish I had).
But at present I am totally unfamiliar with the area/s in question.

This is my equip list -
- 8 HP water pump
- Highbanker
- Hoses
- River Sluice
- Crevice Tools
- Metal Detector
- 10" & 12" pans

Being mindful of fuel costs,
id hate to get there n do some test pans to then realise im in a good area BUT not have the necessary equipment with the me...
(which would mean a 2nd trip at a later time and add to costs)

On the other hand the place may also produce nothing in which case future trips would be unnecessary

Im kind of new to the prospecting game so im curious as to what others do in similar scenarios.
:pickshovel: :koala:
Having a chuckle here.... life is full of choices!

Yes, I take all of the stuff you have above PLUS 90% of my camping gear as well if I'm heading off somewhere more than a couple of hours away from home.

Make a weekend of it and take a friend so you have someone else to help you lug all the gear :lol: ...or make several trips to and from your car if you're on your own and get fit while you breathe in some wonderful "Bush Medicine" (fuel is cheap compared to Dr's bills!).

I always come home with my cup overflowing (not with gold but with happiness!)

Cheers :D :D :D
Oh yes Definitely sample before I unpack 'the lot' and definitely make sure it not on the 'exempt' list either....

and yea I don't really have too much of a network here in Benalla

Though yes Life is full of choices so ill probably 'take the full enchilada' and camping gear too just in case the place im going pays out....

Got the 'exempted list' bookmarked too so ill always research before I head off...
Going pretty ok with GeoVic and Google Earth overlays too just to get a lil further clarity on things

Lovely to see your comments above Colour&Shape.

You're way ahead of me if you can get the hang of GeoVic! I've seen a good tutorial on using it...just need to dedicate some time to go through it again step by step.

Happy prospecting and good luck as I'm sure perseverance will be rewarded :goldnugget:
Thanks Anniegee

to be honest once I figured how to actually get the GeoVic Image saved to a point where I could overlay onto Google Earth its was pretty easy...
I did a thread with pretty much step by step how to...

That thread also has an excellent link for GeoVic basics.....(thats the one I used to figure it out)

To figure it out took me 2 days pretty much but once I knew the file type that I had tp export from GeoVic in order to create the overlay image if was pretty easy..

hmm if u want my help

And thankyou for the well-wishes too....Big or small, any 'colour' is good colour :goldnugget:

Best of luck to you also
From where you are bud Id say your best chance for a productive day would be Eldorado, literally good along the whole stretch there, but if youd like some suggestions on where else to go and places Ive visited in driving distance from Benalla just shoot a pm. Theres a few options, perhaps some lesser known ones. Cheers.
Great posts fellas. I'm booking some Annual Leave in Feb and have been planning a camping/prospecting trip to Eldorado (love the name!)....providing it's not going to be over 40 degrees up there!

If it's Ok I'll PM you mid to late Jan with my plans.

Cheers Annie :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: