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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Hawkear

    Today I BOUGHT

    Received some prospecting presents from Temu today. Stainless steel gravel sieve $19 Carabiner watch to stop me mangling the band on my other watch when I shove it in my pocket $9 Clip on loupe $3 Crevicing tool, actually described as a weeding tool, but I think it will do the job $7
  2. Hawkear

    Getting started in gold prospecting

    Bob. There are four main ways that gold is recovered. Wet washing, Dry washing, detecting and hard rock. To start out detecting, dry washing or hard rock mining. Requires any or all of detailed knowledge, experience or a leap faith into fairly expensive gear. You can start out wet washing with a...
  3. Hawkear

    need help

    Weigh it and then tie a bit of cotton to it and dunk it fully without touching the sides of a cup of water sitting on some scales. Read how much the weight shown on the scales increases and divide that into the original weight. That will be its specific gravity (SG). Just look up the table of...
  4. Hawkear

    Rock and Mineral Apps

    I would be careful about paying for an app for this. Usually the app will require you to take a picture of the specimen and upload it for an ID. The problem with rocks and minerals is that they have greatly overlapping colours, habits and morphologies and just identifying from photos is very...
  5. Hawkear

    Quote Of The Day

    "Tell people there is an invisible man in the sky who created the whole universe and people will believe it. Tell people the paint is wet and they will touch it to check if that is true." George Carlin
  6. Hawkear

    New to prospecting - EQ800 vs Legend?

    With your lifestyle involving camping, fishing, shooting etc sounds like you like to get away from civilization and into the “wilds” so to speak. In that sort of environment I suggest a competent PI gold detector would be your best bet. A used 2300 would be be well within your $3K budget capable...
  7. Hawkear

    Newspaper Headline

    Reportedly from a church newsletter. Sunday morning service “Jesus walks on water”. Evening service sermon “Searching for Jesus”.
  8. Hawkear

    Hey fellow prospectors

    Unfortunately prospecting is not normally something that you can pay your way by finding enough gold to sell to buy better gear as you go. Probably the way to start is just get out there on your own and immerse yourself in say finding the best panning spots. A short cut maybe to to join a...
  9. Hawkear

    Fine gold flecks in quartz

    I wouldn’t be in a hurry to put it in a dolly pot just yet rather firstly check it out with a detector optimized for small gold as per grubstakes suggestion. If the specimen only contains a miniscule amount then probably not worth destroying a discussion piece. On the other hand sometimes...
  10. Hawkear

    Sign Of The Times

    Their indigenous name apparently more easily found than the rest of the their score.
  11. Hawkear

    GPX 5000 set ups

    Medium coil you find the spot and most of the stuff. Large coil you get the bigger deeper stuff. Small coil you vacuum up the carpet and behind the furniture.
  12. Hawkear

    GPX 5000 set ups

    Just adding to my comments about having a small coil to take advantage of the 5000’s improved small gold performance. Don’t go too small as you don’t want to be in competition with a 2300. An 8” to 9” round seems to be able to detect nuggets in that mid range depth below what a 2300 can detect...
  13. Hawkear

    GPX 5000 set ups

    For human reasons just about every detector operator feels they can improve on what Minelab have suggested with their factory settings. I would suggest start from there and practice on known targets to see what settings you can get away with. As you would no doubt be aware, identifying a target...
  14. Hawkear

    Quote Of The Day

    “No dog ever abandoned its master because he was too old or too sick.” Anon. Edited. Just realised there are two ways of interpreting this quote each equally meaningful.
  15. Hawkear


    That’s a great story Vegemite and a lesson for many. Be prepared to ask a few questions, do some research, then get out there and do it. Thanks for the follow up report which is especially pleasing for those that responded to your post.
  16. Hawkear

    Trench prospecting

    I remember when TelecomAustralia used a mole plough to lay cables with a dozer running behind to smooth out the trench. In the golden triangle there always seemed to be a detectorist lurking a little bit further back with a then VLF machine. Don’t know whether they did any good but the only...
  17. Hawkear

    Coil storage

    Yes, that’s another problem when you bring back muddy and wet coils to the car. Gina sewed up some elasticised protective coil covers to fit over over coils shower cap style whilst being used at any time to prevent mud and dirt being spread in the car. Probably could have made the openings a...
  18. Hawkear

    Coil storage

    I now have a heap of coils with a range for my 5000 and now a number for my new 6000. Finding it a hassle storing and carrying these especially when on a prospecting trip. End up leaving behind some in the caravan under beds and those that are in the car usually with lower shafts attached seem...
  19. Hawkear

    R.I.P - Forum Members and other prospectors

    Very sad news. Appreciated WalnLiz’s posts always seemed to give sound advice and knowledge. Gina and my condolences Liz.
  20. Hawkear

    ⭐ Gemstone & Mineral Show n Tell

    Gem people call this Moonstone. Moonstone is a member of the feldspar family, a really broad family of minerals which are contained in Granites and of gem size in Pegmatites. Feldspars are aluminium silicates of Sodium, Potassium or Calcium. Other well known minerals in the Feldspar group are...