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Prospecting Australia

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  1. DrDuck

    Mystery object.

    I'm suffering from serious withdrawal symptoms, so have been once again going over my yard in Goulburn. Plenty of nails, lead washers, corroded toy cars, kids jewellery and the usual detritus you would expect around a house 140 years old. A few good things too, like the rising sun hat badge...
  2. DrDuck

    Skeletal pink halite crystals

    A striking specimen.
  3. DrDuck

    Who would have thought it? Bill Wyman, metal detector.

    A Roman lock and a 17th Century seal discovered by former Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman have gone on display. Metal detecting enthusiast Wyman, who quit the band in 1993, found several of the items within the grounds of his Suffolk manor house."...
  4. DrDuck

    The nugget 2002

    Just noticed that the Australian comedy the nugget (2002) starring pre hulk Eric Banna has turned up on Netfilx. Recommended!
  5. DrDuck

    Last day at work today

    Well, after working since I was 16 the time has come and I have pulled up stumps. Even when at University for 10 years I always worked as I had to support myself and fund the courses. I'm going on leave until my official separation date from the Police Force on 9 July. Looking forward to not...
  6. DrDuck

    trivia of the day

    I know there are a few other amateur radio operators on the forum who will appreciate this one, but it might be of general interest. The theme to Mission Impossible has a rhythm derived from the morse code for M I. It is in 5/4 time. Da Da Dit Dit | Da Da Dit Dit.
  7. DrDuck

    Talk about an ultimate detector find! The centrepiece to Henry VIII's crown! The centrepiece to Henry VIII's crown!
  8. DrDuck

    How to really clean a 2C coin.

    Youtube video on how to polish two cents up to a 100,000 grit finish. Don't know why you would, but here it is!
  9. DrDuck

    Piesse and Lubin perfume bottle - 1880 - 1900's.

    I found this Piesse and Lubin perfume bottle in my front yard. The company traded from 1855 until the 1950's. My house was built in 1880, and interestingly the bottle looks identical to a couple that were recovered from a shipwreck in Bermuda dating back to 1864, It's an interesting story...
  10. DrDuck

    Could be wet

    Next 14 days accumulated rainfall prediction courtesy of the ECMWF ensemble model.
  11. DrDuck

    Crikey! The ore body at Pogera mine, PNG.

    I saw this on FB, and thought you all would be interested.
  12. DrDuck

    Just a thought.

    Saw this on FB, and thought it was worth a share. Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in the line without knowing it. We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line. We can not step out of the line. We can not avoid the line...
  13. DrDuck

    The origin of gold

    Damn, the universe is a wondrous place!
  14. DrDuck

    Jean Paul Turcaud

    those who have been around the forums for a long time would remember this bloke. Somehow years ago he got hold of one of my email addresses and for a while sent me crazy emails.
  15. DrDuck

    How we used to do things.

    painting the Harbour Bridge in 1945. Red lead primer and no harness.
  16. DrDuck

    Cloncurry QLD gold rush

    Interesting story. Captions for pics are included in the text below, but you will get the gist of it, complete story with pics at the link. "Prospectors have flocked to north...
  17. DrDuck

    Iron age gold found by dectorists in UK

    interesting story.
  18. DrDuck

    Huge sapphire on Antiques Roadshow the other day

    25-30 Carat blue sapphire broach. Video at the link.
  19. DrDuck

    Amazing story of ginger Mick.

    So picture this. Its 1932 and Australia is in the grip of the Great Depression. One in three workers are unemployed. Decrepit shanty towns hug the outskirts of the big cities. A scrawny rabbit caught in a trap will feed a family for a week. Country roads are filled with broken men walking from...
  20. DrDuck

    Gold theft in WA goes wrong

    Not the smartest of thieves. "Three men have been charged after allegedly stealing $270,000 of raw gold ore and a two-tonne safe from a mine in Western Australia. One of the men has links to the Gypsy Joker bikies, WA Police said in a statement today. Detectives from the Gold Stealing...