Recent content by WalnLiz

Prospecting Australia

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  1. WalnLiz

    Tibooburra Gold.....a beginners "El Dorado."

    Extremely hot up there in the summer months and the only way to go is to detect at night unfortunately 😪 honest opinion is to wait until it gets cooler to really enjoy the location
  2. WalnLiz

    R.I.P - Forum Members and other prospectors

    RIP extremely caring moderator who always welcomed all newcomers to the forum with encouragement, friendship and advice. He will be missed by the whole community and especially by all the past moderators who held him in high esteem...
  3. WalnLiz

    ⭐ Alluvial Show n Tell

    Well done...long time since I seen one of those coins 😀.
  4. WalnLiz

    Phase Technical Videos

    Well done mate 👏.. looks like a nice clean pendant piece...
  5. WalnLiz

    Tibooburra Gold.....a beginners "El Dorado."

    I wish Moneybox 😉...we are all 80 years to late for the big ones... anything over 6oz these days get bragging rights for sure 😊
  6. WalnLiz

    Detecting bigger gold in NSW...."Alluvial" vs "Eluvial"

    Glad to hear that you have been getting some info and tips Todd... best of luck out there on the fields and may the gold be kind to you....
  7. WalnLiz

    Detecting bigger gold in NSW...."Alluvial" vs "Eluvial"

    Hope the gold is being kind to you Jav..👍
  8. WalnLiz

    Tibooburra Gold.....a beginners "El Dorado."

    Complete no go in the summer months unless you're in aircon accommodation and detecting at night only
  9. WalnLiz

    Tibooburra Gold.....a beginners "El Dorado."

    Pay either at the first service station or at the first pub... depending on whether you're on Gumvale station or Mt Stuart. No in regards to dead horse gully...
  10. WalnLiz

    "Sniping" for Gold....a rewarding way to cool off in Summer.

    The Turon is one of my favourite sniping rivers and certainly would recommend it to anyone wanting to give it a try...
  11. WalnLiz

    "Sniping" for Gold....a rewarding way to cool off in Summer.

    Dredging banned now but still numerous places where snipping is allowed and very profitable...
  12. WalnLiz

    ⭐ Gemstone & Mineral Show n Tell

    At least you're on the right track...clear and opaques go hand in hand.
  13. WalnLiz

    Hi guys

    Welcome to the Forum Hobo...detecting for that amount of time I'm sure your input would be much appreciated on the forum. Good luck this season.
  14. WalnLiz

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to the Forum Dave...research is your best friend in this hobby and there is much to be gained from reading and getting involved in the threads here that are of interest to you.
  15. WalnLiz


    Welcome to the Forum S....look forward to chatting amongst the threads.