Recent content by FindSumStuff

Prospecting Australia

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  1. FindSumStuff

    "Find patch" (Locate Patch) setting on the 7000.

    Low and slow for deep small or larger targets and faster if anything shallow. Different settings and machine dynamics. The two are at odds with each other.
  2. FindSumStuff

    Minelab equinox 900

    Well all the above advice is true. However, you can definitely find gold with Equinox 900 as I did recently with Equinox 800. You learn to ignore the chirpy sounds from more likely iron related sources and anything that is more mellow longer lasting rise and fall of signal is suspect as a target...
  3. FindSumStuff

    Southern Lights

    Even heavy light polluted Melbourne saw the southern aurora borealis. More to come with some luck. Best I've seen.
  4. FindSumStuff

    GPZ 7000 FOR SALE

    A man has got to know his limitations. Heard that somewhere before. Happy days ahead Dave with a 6000. I stayed with 5000 partly for this reason. Can always put on a smaller coil later in the day.
  5. FindSumStuff

    R.I.P - Forum Members and other prospectors

    They are happy days reading your posts LiznWal. So sorry to hear of our loss Liz.
  6. FindSumStuff

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Now there is suggestion of Australian habitation 80,000 years. Wow! Must have been the garden of Eden. Cradle of hominids. Still a great place though.
  7. FindSumStuff

    Night detecting

    Good thought. Though same for camp lights too.
  8. FindSumStuff

    What Made You Smile Today

    Must go and visit. Looks like a bit of fun.
  9. FindSumStuff

    Overdue Toll SMS - scam or wrong number?

    And in emails. Just got this one. Many variants to this theme.
  10. FindSumStuff

    Overdue Toll SMS - scam or wrong number?

    And looks like NSW. I'm in Vic
  11. FindSumStuff

    Overdue Toll SMS - scam or wrong number?

    Keep getting these scams every now and then on mobile
  12. FindSumStuff

    I Remember When...

    Apprentice Radio Tradesman in the 70s. Got more on the Dole than 1st yr apprentice.
  13. FindSumStuff

    R.I.P - Forum Members and other prospectors

    Will miss your interjections JAROS. Sad news.
  14. FindSumStuff

    ⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

    Well done 20x. Thanks for sharing.
  15. FindSumStuff

    Today's best Lollie off the patch down deep!

    Congratulations on another find. Love seeing these posts. Wish I was just as productive.