Recent content by Colb20173

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  1. Colb20173

    R.I.P - Forum Members and other prospectors

    Damn. A great loss to the community. As Hawkear said, Jaros was always there with help and sound advice. Best wishes and condolences to friends and family. He'll be missed.
  2. Colb20173

    Stumpy Pick's Rock Crusher

    Hi. So I thought I'd post some pictures of today's ore crush. Spoiler alert but I can confirm this turned out to be all quartz and iron. Sample was from a mullock heap. Heavily mineralised as you can see. A mix of dirty quartz interspersed with a lot of iron and host rock. Gave it a few good...
  3. Colb20173

    Stumpy Pick's Rock Crusher

    Chewy you are a legend and a lifesaver sir. I haven't dared go back to the Stumpy Picks website to see if the manual was right there looking at me. I have enough trouble spotting where I've left my car keys, glasses, wallet each day without adding manuals to the list. 😂 Thank you much for...
  4. Colb20173

    Stumpy Pick's Rock Crusher

    Great reply! Many thanks for doing so. I'm typically either sourcing bits of dirty looking quartz from mullock, the occasional outcrop, pickings from my own property (I've found micro flecks panning erosion gullies in our failed dam), and even the odd bit of quartz that gets my detector all...
  5. Colb20173

    Stumpy Pick's Rock Crusher

    Ah sorry about that folks. Yup, that's the fella. Thanks for filling in the blanks there Grubstake. :)
  6. Colb20173

    Pipettes for concentrates

    Hi Dan, very late reply from me but if you're still on the hunt for pipettes I've ordered from these guys up in northern NSW before. They also supply glass vials that are perfect for gold storage/display. Nice quick service and equipment was/is of good quality...
  7. Colb20173

    Stumpy Pick's Rock Crusher

    Hi Folks, I'm now the proud owner of a new Stumpy Pick's Rock Crusher. Seems like a great piece of kit so far. Main concern I have is that it came with no instructions and I can't find any hints or tips online regarding the best way to use it. Trial and error seems to be working so far and...
  8. Colb20173

    Hunting for "REEF" approach for beginners.

    Late to the party I know but I just wanted to say thank you to all contributors to this thread. Excellent information and a fresh perspective to get me re-engaged with detecting. Fantastic information, and truly inspiring! :)
  9. Colb20173

    Books to keep an eye out for.

    Couple of books here that I'm guessing will be familiar to most but they were new to me and provided a fascinating insight into the Queensland gold rushes of the late 1860's and 70's. Whilst I'd love to find the volumes of gold they were hauling back then, I'm not sure I fancy the life style...
  10. Colb20173

    ❓Your Mineral Identification Questions answered here

    That's excellent news! Thanks for looking into it. :) I'll make some enquiries and will post my findings on the new thread you kindly created.
  11. Colb20173

    ❓Your Mineral Identification Questions answered here

    I reckon my tick tweezers fit the bill perfectly. Needle points on them and it'll make for a pleasant change from their usual 'work'. :)
  12. Colb20173

    ❓Your Mineral Identification Questions answered here

    I like the sound of that. I do enjoy the investigative side of things. I'll give the one hair brush idea a go. To date I've been separating micro-gold by having two droplets of water on a piece of glass (microscope slide). Using a 40x loupe (with built in LED) and a needle, I've been moving dots...
  13. Colb20173

    ❓Your Mineral Identification Questions answered here

    Many thanks Dihusky. Yup that little grey/blue cubic dude in the middle of the 3rd picture intrigued me too. I'll definitely be paying more attention to my pan's contents in future! Now I just need to explain to my wife why I need to go and buy some gem sieves in addition to all the gold...
  14. Colb20173

    ❓Your Mineral Identification Questions answered here

    Hi Goldierocks. That's great info, and enough for me to make sure I keep my eyes open for something a little larger when panning (now getting flashbacks to what I've been discarding with all the quartz whilst on the hunt for gold. :eek:) Many thanks for taking the time to reply. Truly...
  15. Colb20173

    ❓Your Mineral Identification Questions answered here

    Hi Folks, While on the hunt for microscopic gold, I frequently observe a lot of coloured 'stones' amongst the black sand, and quartz. Grubstake spotted a few in some photos I posted of my micro-gold and suggested I post more pics here to see if anyone could do some ID's for me. All samples are...